MMC "Snap-in failed to initialize"

  • Hi

    I have this huge error

    When I open the MMC, it gives me the Snap-in Failed to initialize error

    I've done everithing to solve it, re-register some keys, change values and adding HKEYS, but these seems to keep on showing I'm a liitle frustated and desperated 

    I have two clusters with the same software and configuration and one is working fine but the other is the one showing this problem I have 3 weeks and I cannot solve it

    can anyone please help!!


    Carla García

  • Does the event viewer show anything more?

    -- Cory

  • Hi Cory

    no, the event viewer doesn't show anything else, is there something I could do, I really can't uninstall and reinstall, its not an option, anything else you can think of?


  • I did what it says in this link but it didn't work

    is there something I could do.

    when I open de MMC it gives me the message of Snap-in Failed to initialize

    and once its opened I select Console Root/Microsoft SQL Servers and it shows the message of

    Snap-in Creation Failed

    Name: Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager



  • I haven't recieve a reply, can anyone help please, I'm desperated


  • Why does SQL Server 2005 break SQL Server 2000 tools?

    If you install SQL Server 2005 on a machine where SQL Server 2000 is already installed, you might find some peculiarities when using Enterprise Manager to manage SQL Server 2000 installations.

    You might see weird characters appended to the Create Date column in Tables or Stored Procedures view:

    You might have problems viewing object-level permissions, get errors about a missing SQLDMO library after uninstalling SQL Server 2005, or you might get an error like this:

    Snap-in failed to initialize.

    Name: Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager


    You might experience a crash or hang in Enterprise Manager, and/or the following event in the Event Log:

    Event ID: 4097

    Description: The application, mmc.exe, generated an application error

    There is no resolution at this point to the weird characters in the Create Date column, but it is a known issue and should be fixed in current builds. The solution to the other problems is to re-register sqldmo.dll for SQL Server 2000:

    Start / Run... / type "Regsvr32 <SQL Server Program folder>\80\Tools\Binn\SQLDMO.dll" without the quotes and hit OK

    Keep in mind that re-registering the 2000 version of SQL-DMO will render DMO against 2005 useless, so for the time being, you will have to choose the version where you want DMO to work. Hopefully this will be fixed for RTM.

    You might also see a slight change in the syntax highlighting of T-SQL keywords both within Query Analyzer and within Enterprise Manager's stored procedure editor. To fix this problem, re-register sqllex.dll (thanks Jasper!).

    Start / Run... / type "Regsvr32 <SQL Server Program folder>\80\Tools\Binn\SQLLex.dll" without the quotes and hit OK


    To resolve this problem, you must replace the missing Atl.dll file. To restore the Computer Management MMC to full functionality, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, and then click Run, type the following command, and then click OK:

    Copy C:\Windows\winsxs\\atl.dll %windir%\system32\

  • Hi Newbie

    Have you fixed the snap-in problem by replacing atl.dll?


  • Hi

    Like Carla Garcia I am getting the MMC "snap-in failed to initialize..." error upon opening E.M. I have tried all that MS KB articles have suggested:

    • re-registering sqlmmc.dll
    • re-registering sqldmo.dll as well as others
    • editing the registry
    • reinstalling SQL Server 2000

    My OS is a corporate image of Windows 2000 Professional which was only a few months old when I attempted the first install. There has been no deployments of servers or client tools on this PC prior to my attempt.

    Roy & Newbie, my current OS has atl.dll in the %windir%\system32 folder already.

    Any help on this would be great.


  • Hi,

    I was installing SQL 2005 on a machine which already had SQL 2000 installed on it. The setup failed for some reason and I uninstalled 2005 including the Backward Compatibility tools. I started getting this "Snap-In Failed" error after that and I could resolve the it by following steps (Method 2) at the following link.;en-us;914157&sd=rss&spid=2852

    Thanks to Rick Fig for posting this link.



  • Hi,

    Thanks for the information. I had the same problem and worked fine with the above link.

    Thanks again:D

  • This works! Thanks

  • I have a similar problem on Vista that show MMC "Snap-in failed to initialize" when I click , if you just click on 'Perfomance Monitor' under 'Monitoring Tools' in "Reliability and Perfomance Monitor" the perfmon.exe.

    If you've run out of way to test it, run lodctr.exe without any parameter, you will see the help say:


    Updates registry values related to performance counters.



    INI-FileName is the name of the initialization file that contains

    the counter name definitions and explain text for an extensible

    counter DLL.

    LODCTR /S:

    save the current perf registry strings and info to

    LODCTR /R:

    restore the perf registry strings and info using


    rebuild the perf registry strings and info from scratch based on the cur


    registry settings and backup INI files.

    LODCTR /T:

    set the performance counter service as trusted.

    LODCTR /E:

    enable the performance counter service.

    LODCTR /D:

    disable the performance counter service.


    LODCTR /Q:

    query the performance counter service information, either query all or specified one.

    LODCTR /M:

    install Windows Vista performance counter provider definition XML file to system repository.

    Note: any arguments with spaces in the names must be enclosed within Double Quotation marks.

    Try running

    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32>Lodctr /R

    it will try to rebuild the perf counters using registry and backup perf file if you have any. After this if you still can't see the perf counter you are looking for (in my case the SQL2K5 counter are missing),

    Go to

    \MSSQL\Bin\lodctr perf-MSSQLSERVERsqlctr.ini

    It worked for my situation and I spent like one whole afternoon to bring it back. Hope this help for those that can't fix the problem by using other method.

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