Monitoring and killing blocks

  • Hi all,

    I have a database that archives lots of data from external reporting programs in the form of Detailed -> Hourly -> Daily -> Monthly -> Yearly. Every few days, the lower tables get summarized and placed in the table above, while the lower tables are purged. Also, there is a continuous, out of my control, input of data into the detailed tables.

    As this is a third party application, I'm trying to streamline the database by adding clustered indexes (yes, there were no clustered indexes OR primary keys at all...was a separate issue I had posted about earlier). Now that I have my indexes created in a way I'm happy with, the next step is to rebuild them.

    I have an automated script that will run ALTER INDEX ALL ON TARGET_TABLE REBUILD WITH(ONLINE = ON) on all the tables once a week. Obviously, with so much data being uploaded, blocking will occur.

    I know that if I check sysprocesses, and the blocked value equals the spid value, I can ignore that as the process is not really blocking itself. What I'd like to do is catch the true blocking that occurs and kill that rebuild index step. I plan to do this with a parallel block killer that runs every minute in the same time frame as the rebuild job.

    Is there a away to link the blocked object with the blocked spid in so I known I'm not killing some other process?

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • To start with, stop looking at sysprocesses and start using the DMV's to look at your problems.

    The first one to look at is sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks which will hold all the waiting task information. You can do a join to sys.dm_exec_requests by blocking session_id to link a waiting task to its blocking task and then use the sys.dm_exec_sql_text DMF to get the executing statement for the blocking task. Possibly something like:


    blocked.session_id as blocked_sessionid,

    blocked_text.text as blocked_statement,

    blocking.session_id as blocking_sessionid,

    blocking_text.text as blocking_statement, *

    from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks as tasks

    join sys.dm_exec_requests as blocking on tasks.blocking_session_id = blocking.session_id

    join sys.dm_exec_requests as blocked on tasks.session_id = blocked.session_id

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(blocking.sql_handle) as blocking_text

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(blocked.sql_handle) as blocked_text

    where tasks.session_id tasks.blocking_session_id

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • Jonathan Kehayias (6/5/2009)

    To start with, stop looking at sysprocesses and start using the DMV's to look at your problems.


    Hmmm...thanks for the tips. I really need to get a good reference on DMV's (I had a full page pullout that they sent with my subscription of SQL Server Magazine, but lost it...grrr). The script is definitely pointing me out in the right direction.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

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