Monitoring Performance

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at

  • Hi Victor

    Excellent article and very well thought out scripts with examples.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • I've been able to use the first two listings "out-of-the-box" on SQL7 and they are really useful, and just what I've been looking for. Unfortunately the one which builds a trace uses fn_trace_getinfo which seems to be only valid in sql2k. Would it be possible to tell us how to do this in sql7?


  • I want to ask apologize in advance if my eyes are out of focus but as much as I have seen, the listings do not appear (not directly in the page nor as a link)... The article so far seems very accurate and useful... but, where are the listings?

  • Allan,

    spTraceBuild must be totally re-written to work in sql7, not just the line with the function fn_trace_getinfo (which BTW can be simply taken off). If you ever run traces programmatically in sql7 you know that it's doable. It's only an issue of spending time.

    Since the traces have been collected they can be processed on any installation of sql2000.

  • Hi Victor,

    Very good article.

    But I have one question: this scripts run on the database server, isn't it? I know that this store procedures (sp_trace_xxx) use less server resources than does the Profiler tool itself, but aren’t to heavy on the server? Is possible to use this sp remotely?



  • Looks like some very useful stuff .... now if we could output it to a web page ... ah ...

    Since this piece is on performance management, I was suprised to see no mention of added load by all this monitoring. I'm sure it maight be somewhat minimal, but it's got to add load ... and as more 'consumers' use the server, does the imapct of this monitoring go up?

    Just curious.


  • Hello Victor,

    I am about the scripts you have placed to use. Do other scripts, except sp_trace... one work on SQL Server 7.0 or they need to be rewriten as well ?

    If that only one , then how difficult would it be to rewrite it to run on SQL7.0 ?



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