Most Recent Balance

  • I have a tricky (for me) SQL issue that I hope I could get some advice on:

    Table ClientUnitBalance contains: ClientId, UnitBalance, Date with a record for each client for each day. I would like to extract the most recent UnitBalance for each client.

    Using MAX(Date), requires me to include UnitBalance in the GROUP BY, meaining that I get multiple rows for each client, for each unique UnitBalance.

    I've also tried several other methods. Surely someone has run into this before?

    How would you write the SQL for this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • You can use a subquery if you want

    Select ClientId



    from Table

    where Date = (select z.max Date

    from Table_2 z

    where z.clientId = Table.ClientId)

  • Try the following - that the result you want?

    begin tran

    create table a (clientid int,

    Unitbalance numeric(21,0),

    Dates datetime)

    insert into a values (123, 999, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:001')

    insert into a values (456, 888, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:006')

    insert into a values (456, 777, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:007')

    insert into a values (789, 222, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:008')

    insert into a values (789, 333, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:009')

    insert into a values (123, 999, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:010')

    insert into a values (123, 111, '1 jan 2008 12:00:01:011')

    select clientid,



    from a

    where a.dates = (select max(bb.dates)

    from a bb

    where bb.clientid = a.clientid)

    rollback tran

  • The subquery allows you to find the date you want, the correlation does it for each client.

    It's the way I'd do it as well.

  • I think subquery is too slow.

    You could try something like this.

    begin tran

    create table a (clientid int, Unitbalance numeric(21,0),Dates datetime)

    insert into a values (123, 999, '20080101')

    insert into a values (456, 888, '20080102')

    insert into a values (456, 777, '20080103')

    insert into a values (789, 222, '20080104')

    insert into a values (789, 333, '20080105')

    insert into a values (123, 999, '20080106')

    insert into a values (123, 111, '20080107')


    SELECT ClientId, MaxDate = MAX(dates)

    INTO #xx

    FROM a

    GROUP BY ClientId

    SELECT a.* FROM a JOIN #xx x ON (x.MaxDate = a.Dates AND a.ClientId = x.ClientId)

    rollback tran

  • Why use a temp table and incur the overhead??

    create table a (clientid int, Unitbalance numeric(21,0),Dates datetime)

    set nocount on

    insert into a values (123, 999, '20080101')

    insert into a values (456, 888, '20080102')

    insert into a values (456, 777, '20080103')

    insert into a values (789, 222, '20080104')

    insert into a values (789, 333, '20080105')

    insert into a values (123, 999, '20080106')

    insert into a values (123, 111, '20080107')


    SELECT a.* FROM a

    JOIN (

    SELECT ClientId, MaxDate = MAX(dates)

    FROM a

    GROUP BY ClientId

    ) x ON (x.MaxDate = a.Dates AND a.ClientId = x.ClientId)

    drop table a

    Depening on the # of rows in your table and the indexing, this query and the sub-query version should be checked against each other for performance. This type of query usually wins out.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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