move tables from one filegroup to another

  • Hello everyone, what is the best way to move a table (with all data, permissions, constraints, etc.) from one filegroup to another? Thank you.

  • Do it in Enterprise manager and generate the script.

    Basically you have to rename the table. recreate the table in the new filegroup and then copy the data.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thank you. However, I have a dilema.

    I have some tables with clustered index and they are created on my index filegroup. I want to move them to my primary filegroup. I was thinking that I would go to EM and remove the clustered index, change the filegroup, save the changes and then re-create the clustered index.

    I tested this scenario on the development computer. Then I tested it on production and I got two different results.

    On the development box, when I check the "Create as CLUSTERED" option, the filegroup changes from index to primary, which is what I want. In other words, when you want to create a clustered index, you can only create it on the primary filegroup and EM won't let you create it on the index filegroup.

    On the production box, I removed the clustered index, changed the filegroup to primary, and saved the changes. I went back and checked the "Create as CLUSTERED" checkbox and the filegroup changes from primary to index. It won't let me create a clustered index table on the primary filegroup.

    These two boxes are acting opposite from each other. Any idea why this is happening?

  • Use your favorite SQL Query Analyzer and type:

    drop index TableName.IndexName

    Where IndexName is your clustered index

    And the type:

    create clustered index IndexName on TableName(column, column...) on NewFileGroup

    This one has effect to place your table on the new filegroup because the data will "follow" the clustered index


  • The clustered index has to exist in the same filegroup as the data, because the base of the index is the data.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • You can find a script that would move the data, indexes, and more to a new filegroup on

    Editor's Note: : Dr. Omri Bahat works for SQLFarms, a software vendor of SQL Server tools.

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