Moving Cluster

  • Hai,

    I have a two nod cluster, i used to move cluster resources between the nodes (eg:during startup of the servers),

    Is there any log for tracing the move of resources between nodes?



  • can you be more precise about what you are doing and what you want to track?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hai Colin,

    We used to move Cluster resources/groups (cluster admin-->right click group-->move group) from one node to another manually.

    I just want to track when this movement happends...time and date




  • I think the server EventViewer will tell you that.

    If this is the case with a fairly simple VB Script you can monitor the EventViewer and send alerts when this is happening.

  • Ok, thanks

    is there any seperate log for Cluster ?


  • there is a cluster.log on c:\winnt\cluster\

  • I think you might have figured this out by now but just a side note that the time recorded in the cluster log is displayed in GMT.

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