Moving Databases between Servers

  • I am having a problem moving a bunch of databases between a SQL Server 7.0 Standard Edition Instance to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

    I will outline the procedure I am using to migrate the schema (users and data) and then present the errors that I am getting. If ANYONE has any suggestions or can help me out, much appreciated.

    To move the Databases I am doing the following:

    a) create new database on destination server with the same name and same (logical) Data and Log filenames.

    b) run sp_help_login on the source server and use the output to recreate the users which have permissions to the DB I'm moving to the Destination Server.

    c) take a full backup on the Source Server and restore to the newly created database on the destination server - check permissions, etc...

    I have done this in the past and it has worked fine, this time it is exibiting the following behavior:

    When I log into EM using the newly created SQL login that has DBO permissions to the new database, my Databases Tab displays "no databases" . When I right-click and refresh my databases view, after about 10 minutes, it DOES display the databases in EM and lets me access my database, but I am receving the following errors in the SQL Server Log:

    Spid 54 (my session) Error 0, Severity 19, state 0

    Spid 54 SqlDumpExceptionHandler: process 54 Generated fatal exception c000005 - Exception access violation. SQL Server is terminating the process.

    Stack signature for dump is 0x83b6e085

    in the NT Application Event Log, I am seeing the same errors:

    Event ID 17052 Error 0, Severity 19, state 0

    Spid 54 SqlDumpExceptionHandler: process 54 Generated fatal exception c000005 - Exception access violation. SQL Server is terminating the process.

    This is happening on each database that I have moved from the 7.0 standard edition instance and it doesn't seem to be happening on databases I have moved from other 7.0 instances.

    I'm not sure why this is happening. If ANYONE and offer any help or suggestions - much appreciated !!!!!!

  • What's difference between 7.0 standard edition instance which have the problem and other 7.0 instances. Are other 7.0 instances not standard edition?

    What's sp version on both cases(7.0 version instances)?

  • The Source Server is SQL Server 7.0 Standard Edition sp1 and the destination SQL 2000 Server is Enterprise Edition sp3

  • Suggest you upgrade Service Pack to latest for SQL7

    Have had sp1 sql7 abend and stack dump with denial of Service attacks could be same bug is causing your problem.

    have a look at Microsoft article Q248749 regarding Stack Dumps on SQL7 sp1.


  • WOW!  a reply to an almost 2 year old post ...  must be a record!!!! 

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