Moving from SS 2000 to SS 2005

  • I currently have SS 2000 installed on Windows 2003 Server. This is a DEVELOPMENT/TEST ONLY instance. No PRODUCTION data here. I want to move to SS 2005. I was thinking of completely uninstalling SS 2000 through Add/Remove programs in Control Panel and then installing SS 2005. After that I could attach my database.

    Any recommendations?

  • sounds to me like to be a good plan.  It's been a while since I have uninstalled 2000; but I would make sure that my databases were physically backed up (done by copying the files with the services stopped) just in case it decided to remove them, not just disconnect them and leave them where they sit.  I would also blow away the tree on any disks after the uninstall... just to make sure there were no lingering components; although I don't really think that should be a problem with a non-beta product (2000).  Obviously, only re-attach databases that you created  not master and other system DBs.


    david russell

  • When you say, all services should be stopped, SQL Switch should do it right? Can you please clarify what you mean by blowing away the tree?

  • The service named "SQL Serrver (MSSQLSERVER)" should be stopped.  I use the service screen in Computer Management; but there are several ways to stop a service.  It will automatically ask you if you also want to stop the agent - and your probably should.

    the "tree" is the directory (folder) structure under Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\... and below.  There may be one file locked in there... I usually just delete everything and rename that one file - or restart after disabling the service from autostarting.  I do as much as I can to keep legacy pieces from affecting me... and will agree that this approach is probably extreme - none the less, that is my recommendation for a clean installation.

    By the way, your data files (*.mdf, *.ldf) are, in all likelyhood, in this tree, or a similar tree on another drive.  So, if the uninstall didn't blow them away and you follow my directions, you will blow them away.

    Make sure they are backed up.  and do not back them up with SQL running


    david russell

  • Thanks a million.

  • Something wrong with upgrading?

    Stick in the 2005 CD and install a default instance, you'll be prompted to upgrade, it'll remove the old binaries afterwards.

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