Moving LUN's from existing server to new cluster

  • Hi,

    We are planning to move from standalone server to cluster environment. As our databases are of huge size, we are planning to move the LUN's from existing server to new cluster group for min. downtime. What precautions we need to follow in order to successfully finish this process ?


  • detach the database files before moving the luns.

  • I would take a backup of all the databases prior to the move in case something was to happen to the luns during the move.

    I would also run select name, physical_name from sys.master_files and save it before detaching the databases because the drives/mount points might not come up the same on a different server and you will likely have to re-letter the drives.

    Here is the process I follow:

    1. Script out detach and attach statements

    2. Run select name, physical_name from sys.master_files and save it for later

    3. Run the detach script

    4. Stop SQL server

    5. Have the SAN admin offline the luns on the old machine

    6. Have the SAN admin rezone the luns to the new machine

    7. Have the SAN admin online the luns on the new machine

    8. Re-letter the luns on the new machine

    9. Run the attach script on the new machine

  • Thanks a lot!!!!

  • And depending on the SAN and the SAN administrator, I would create some test LUN's and practice the move first. I've seen windows/SAN administrators get confused, and move a LUN and end up formatting it or otherwise fail to have it arrive with data intact.

    It is VERY easy to move on most SAN's, do not misunderstand. But if they haven't done this before, have the windows/SAN guys practice first. Indeed, put a database there and you can practice also.

    PS. Don't forget to move the log files also. Even if empty, it is simplier to attach them in place rather than trying to recreate them.

  • Most SAN\NAS technologies will allow you to mask off LUNs from one host and attach to another. However, it may be better to mirror the current LUNs to new LUNs and then break once synchronised and create a copy of the data that way. Your storage admin should be able to offer you more help here.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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