Moving reports from one 'my reports' folder to another.

  • I am a DBA and one of my users has recently married which has resulted in a name change for her and a subsequent user id change in AD.

    She can no longer see her reports as they are linked to her old user id.

    I connected to the reporting services server and connected via the URL, the was a list of user folders where there were folders for both her new and old ids.

    I selected all the reports and directories and clicked the move button, selected the new directory and ok which then resulted in an 'insufficient permissions' error. I am a domain admin as well as a DBA and had connected using my admin account.

    Any ideas on how this can be resolved.



  • Are the user folders created under the "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" account?

    Only way I have been about to get these is to extract the report using SSRS Scripter..

  • All the folders under users were create by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

    I tried RSScripterfirst but I have just tried again with the current build and get the following error

    The permissions granted to user 'me' are insufficient for performing this operation.



  • If you use the web interface to assign "you" permissions then it shou,ld give you access.

    You will need to add your user name to \Users Folders\Username\My Reports.

    Just tested myself and all seems to work ok.

    SSRS is using the "ReportServer" app pool details when creating the folders...

  • Many thanks for this.

    I had added myself to everything at the users folders level and assumed that the parenting security would filter down, it does but only to the actual user directory and not to the 'my reports' directory underneath. I checked one but not the other!

    Just waiting for confirmation from the user that they can see their reports.

    Thanks again.


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