moving system Databases

  • Hi all

    I went throught some articles those was saying about only attach/Deatach.

    so that I posted this Questions.

    We have a plan to move SQL Server from Old server ot New Server.

    for above we prepared a check list.

    Here I have couple of Douts

    1.Can I take Backup of master.msdb database and Restore in Destination Server.If I follow above what are the Scenario can I follow.

    Please let me know which is the best scenario Backup/restore or attach deatch

    2.If I move Master and MSDB is it neccessary to move again JOB,ALERT,OPERATOR also or those will come with MSDB Restoration.

    3.According above scenario what I have to about DTS,still shall I Export/Import DTS or Opening and saving in Text file and moving in to destination Server

    Please some body help on this issue,

    I greatefull to you all

  • I am Trying to Up load my Document,but I did not find any upload option so that I copy pasted Checklist what prepared.

    Check list moving Databases between the Servers.

    * DS Destination Server,

    * SS Source Server.

    S.NO Task

    1.Verify the SS and DS Servers OS versions, Version of DS must to be match or Must be higher level Version then SS

    2.Verify the SS and DS Servers SP Versions, Version of DS must to be match equal or Must be higher level Version then SS.

    3.Verify the SS and DS Servers SQL Server versions, Version of the DS must to be match equal

    4.Verify the SS and DS for SQL Server 2000 SP versions, SP Version of the DS must to be match or Higher then SS.

    5.Make and Verify a Networking shared drive which is accessible from both DS and SS and allocate sufficient space in Network Drive.

    6.Verify the Space in DS and Storage Space should higher then SS

    7.Move the master database Data file, Log file and Store in Network Drive.

    8.Move the master database Data file, Log file and Store in Network Drive.

    **9.Attach the Master database in SS

    **10.Attach the MSDB database in SS

    11.Move the alert ,Jobs, alert and Operator to SS

    **12.Move the DTS packages from DS to SS using DTS Export.

    13.Move all Scripts.

    14.Backup User Databases and Store in Network Drive,

    15.Restore UDB’s in to SS

    16. Verify the Logins

    ** 9 & 10. Moving master, msdb Database is some how Critical Job, It is better to move data files and Log files using Detach and Attach method.

    ** 12. Move the all DTS Package to DS, but make sure that the path must same with SS

  • Hi all

    Right now our plan got changed and we are planning to move only UDB's

    This is the action plan I perpared for Moving Databases between the servers,

    Action Plan:

    1. Change all Source Server Databases Database Recovery Modes in Full and

    Set Transaction Log backup(What ever flexible timing)

    2. Take full Backup all Databases and Restore in to destination Server WITH RECOVERY


    4. Move the DTS packages

    5. Make Sure that every Database is Moved

    6. Fix Login in Destination Server(Orphan Users).

    (what every application using /Database using)

    7. Again Backup all Databases and Restore in to destination Server. WITH NORECOVERY

    8. Apply the Transactional Backup’s WITH NORECOVERY Up to Databases server are in Sync

    9. Once Databases are in Sync Apply last transactional backup WITH RECOVERY

    Please give you suggestion.what every you feel.

  • Refer the below link

    Moving sys db's

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