moving system databasesin sql2005 cluster

  • i have cluster 2005 64 bit . i need to move all system datbases to other directory. here are the steps i follow but it did not work.

    i took sql related service offline from cluster admin.

    i went to surface area configuration and change master databse files to new location

    started sql from command prompt with -m -T3806 flags (single user mode)

    i open QA and updated data and log file for all rest of three systyem datbaes by deattaching and . sattaching and alter datbase command.

    i run sp_helpdb for all db and confirmed new file location for all system datbase.

    i stopped sql server and the started in normal mode and confirm the same again.

    now stoope sql services again and brought sql services from cluster admin

    to my shock when i connected with cluster and chek path for system datbases it was changed back to old one for all system databases.

    yes i did copy all file including resouce dtabse to new location

    now the problem how i should have changed it that virtual server show my new location when i connect to virtual sql server

    any clue? please advise.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

  • Thanks Scot.

    I read the article. Information is good. but the only question i have is will it work for cluster environment. These step seems to work fine for stand alone machine and I have varified them but in cluster it keep changing back to original file location.

    Starting cluster sql server in single user mode is same as standalone mode?

    what i did is stop all services from cluseter admin except ip

    then in i did change registry with new data file location and restarted sql from commadn prompt in single user mode.

    i think i did something wrong in above steps. please confirm these steps below are correct. stopping sql clusert services

    1/ Use ALTER DATABASE MODIFY FILE to tell the master database where most of the system databases will reside.

    i have to give new location of datafile and log file here.

    2/ Update the service startup parameters in the registry so that the service finds the master database and log.

    3/ Stop the cluster sql service to unlock the files.

    4/ Move the files to the new location.

    5/ now Start the sql service with the -f (minimal configuration) flag and the -T3608 trace flag from command prompt "not cluster admin" to prevent automatic recovery.

    6/ Use ALTER DATABASE MODIFY FILE to record the new location of the mssqlsystemresource database.

    7/ Move the mssqlsystemresource file.

    8/ Set mssqlsystemresource database to read only.

    9/ Stop sql services and Start the SQL Server Service from "cluster admin " in normal mode.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

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