Moving the MSSQL folder

  • This weekend, I'll be taking a production SQL Server down, and moving all dbs and the system dbs to a new SAN partition.  Moving the user dbs is no problem.  Even moving master, msdb, model, and tempdb are no problem.  Where I have come to a sticking point is with -

    1) Full text index catalogs ( \MSSQL\FTDATA).  I haven't found anything, anywhere on how to move this. Anybody know if its possible, and if so, how???

    2) The \MSSQL\LOG folder contains Errorlog, exceptionlog, SQLnnnn.dmp, SQLAGENT.n, SQLAGENT.OUT, SQLDUMPnnnn.txt .  Does changing the ERRORLOG startup parameter move ALL of these?



  • 1.  see;EN-US;240867

    2.  Yes, change the startup parameter -e to move all these


  • Fhanlon,

    Thank you for your response!  The log situation is exactly what I wanted to hear!  The full text catalogs look like a NIGHTMARE!  I hope SQL 2005 addresses this!

    Thanks, again


  • Put your 2 cents worth in


  • Hoo-t, if it was me, I'd stop SQL's services, swap your current drive letter(s) for the SAN drive letter(s) and copy the data to the SAN drive that now has the same drive letter as your old drive. Nothing more would need to be done except start the services back up.

  • I agree with yumfin. We typically install SQL Server in the D: drive so that we can do move to a SAN drive later without any registry hassles. It seems to work without a hitch for us.

  • yumfin and shew01,

    Thanks, but in this particular situation, the drive letters will be changing.  I was pretty comfortable with the move, until I saw that document on how to move the full text catalogs.  Now, I think I am just going to reinstall SQL.

    Thanks, everyone, for your input!


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