Moving the SQL Server error logs, SQL Agent logs, and Full-Text logs

  • Ok, during the installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 (Enterprise x64) I changed the "Data root directory" thinking it would only affect the system databases (as I wanted them on our NAS). Evidently this also installed the following folders on the NAS:

  • FTData (full-text language files)
  • Data (system databases)
  • Jobs (sql agent job logs)
  • Log (sql server logs, sql agent logs, full-text logs)
  • I need to move FTData, Jobs, and Log back to where they would have been originally installed. Actually, FTData is moved since it was just a registry key that had to be changed and copy the folder over. But when attempting to move Jobs and Log, when I restart SQL Server I get "access denied" messages on the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.<myinstance>\MSSQL\Log\.

    I know how to change the configurations to tell SQL Server where these files should be, but is there an easy way (other that uninstall/reinstall) to identify/grant the permissions needed for SQL Server to access these locations?

    To give a little background on the accounts being used. Each service (sql server, sql agent, full-text) run under different accounts. SQL Server and SQL Agent are both domain accounts, while full-text runs under LOCALSERVICE.

  • Steve, thanks for the link. I'll see if this provides the information on what I need to move these manually.

  • Hey Steve, I think I found something a tad easier - Now if anyone is as clumsy as I am they have a way to copy the folder structure and files back to where they want them.

  • Interesting. Are you Win2K? Or does the article apply to other versions for you?

    I need to save that bookmark. It's a handy article.

  • XCopy still exists on Win2008, thankfully although slated to be deprecated. Still need to check on 2012 but my feeling is that it is still there

    An alternative is Robocopy.

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