MS T-SQL Exercises

  • One thing I noticed, sometimes you'll have to manually set the language to English as it defaults back to Russian. For instance, if you aren't logged in and you follow the link given, then click on FAQ, you won't get the FAQ in English. This is a small problem, though.

    With that said, I haven't had a chance to check out the site very far but it looks interesting. Thanks for posting it.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for your posting

    We have corrected the errors noticed K. Brian Kelley. 

    We hope, that the given site will be useful not only to Russian-speaking users.

    Oleg V. Lysenko



  • We have made updating some formulations of questions. We would like to learn your opinion on this site. Probably there is a reason on which users are not registered. Please, help us to solve this problem.

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