
  • DECLARE @tab char(1) = CHAR(9)

    DECLARE @Localquery VARCHAR(MAX)

    SET @Localquery = 'SELECT SOME STUFF'

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = 'xxxx.yyyyyyy@zzzzz.qqqq',

    @query = @Localquery,

    @subject = 'Pending IBS Updates',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = '1',




    Error formatting query, probably invalid parameters

    How else can I pass a dynamic query in to the email proc??

    Any help would be appreciated


  • Just to add when I do exec(@LOCALQUERY) it runs as expected - no errors

  • The syntax you've posted works with a simple select query, so I think you'll need to post an example of something that actually produces the error...

  • The first thing I"d be concerned with is if you are executing the query in the right database. There is this parameter (from BOL):

    [ @execute_query_database= ] 'execute_query_database'

    Is the database context within which the stored procedure runs the query. The parameter is of type sysname, with a default of the current database. This parameter is only applicable if @query is specified.

    That you should supply or use 3 part naming for all objects in your query to make sure you are executing your query in the right database context.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
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  • I have found the answer I was using a temp table in the dynamic query and the email procedure couldn't see it. Upon changing it to a global temp table it was made visible and now it works.


  • here is an example how to send an email and the result to be formated in HTML

    create procedure stp_check_smth_and_send_email



    @table nvarchar(max)

    ,@cnt int

    ,@durration int

    --format email that will be send if the duration will be bigger than 40

    SET @table =N'<html>' +

    N'<H1>title of email</H1>' +

    N'<H2 style="background-color:red;">mesage tha we want to send</H2>' +

    N'<table border=1>' +

    N'<tr>' +

    N'<th>col 1</th>' +

    N'<th>col 2</th>' +

    N'<th>col 3</th>' +

    N'<th>col4</th>' +

    N'<th>col5</th>' +

    '</tr>' +

    CAST (



    td = column1,'',

    td = column2,'',

    td = column3,'',

    td = column4,'',

    td = column5

    FROM table_name

    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE


    ) +


    </html>' ;

    print @table

    -- set @table = replace (@table,'<H2></H2>','<td bgcolor = #ff022a>Please check!</td>') --red

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name='profile_name from SQL',


    @subject = '',

    @body = @table,

    @body_format = 'HTML';

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