MSDE installation problems

  • Hi all,

    I'm trying to install MSDE Release A. I'm using an .ini file containing the following text:







    In the setup comand prompt I have: setup.exe /i sqlrun01.msi /settings setup.ini SAPWD="myPassword"

    I've tried removing the "/i sqlrun01.msi" command also without success.

    The problem is that apparently all is installed well (the service manager displays my instance running ok) but I can't access the server from anywhere (I get the error "SQL Server doesn't exist or access denied").

    Thanks in advance

  • What is your OS?  If Win2K or later (server or workstation), do you have firewall turned on that will block access?


  • I have Windows XP Professional with SP2... What will I have to change to ensure that the firewall isn't blocking the server?

    Thanks again


  • Check the following MS Article: How to configure Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) for use with SQL Server


  • Tks Mark,

    I've checked the link and in one of the tutorials they mention checking the HKLM/Software/Microsoft/MSSQLServer/MSSQLServer/SuperSocketNetLib/Tcp/TcpDynamicPorts registry key.

    It happens I don't have this key. I only have HKLM/Software/Microsoft/MSSQLServer/Client...

    As for the other steps (I've added the instance's sqlservr.exe to the firewall's exception list, unblocked the 135 port)after doing them I'm still getting the same error.


  • That registry entry will be for the SQL Server default instance, and you have a named instance (TESTMSDE).  I do not currently remember exactly where the registry entry should be, but it should be under an key with TESTMSDE or MSSQL$TESTMSDE.  Check for those areas.

    Also, look in the Program Files directory (I think it will be Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$TESTMSDE\Tools\Binn or something similar) for the program "svrnetcn.exe".  This is the Server Network Utility.  Make sure that TCP protocol is installed and setup here, and which port it is listening on (default is 1433, but can be something else if that port already used by another instance).  That port also has to be unblocked.


  • I don't know if this matters but I did this install just the other day I remember using


    That is without the qoutes around the password.


  • Have you tried accessing it on the same machine it is running on? Can you find the service running? I think there should be an icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen when it is running.

    I had a problem because I did not have admin rights with the account I was using. I did not get an error message after the install so I thought it went OK.

  • Thank you all for your suggestions

    Unfortunately I still haven't found the problem. I've added the TCP ports to the firewall exception list, I even disabled the firewall and still couldn't connect to the server. The service is running and the Service Manager shows my instance running. Is my installation command line and .ini file (1st post) correct? Is there a quick way to test a connection (command prompt)?


  • Have you tried connecting using ODBC? It has a test button. You should see the MSDE instance from the ODBC wizard.

  • Well... I used Eric's suggestion an the ODBC wizard found my server ... Now I wonder why can't the other programs find the server...

    Tks for your help guys

  • It seems that the term "Newbie" fits me like a glove

    Apparently despite the autolocate server funtions in all the programs I tried don't work (except the ODBC wizard) if I manualy write the server name all is well. The problem is that I was writing the machine name preceded by two '\' (like \\MyMachine\MyServer). When I tried to write MyMachine\MyServer all went well.

    Thank you all for your help and suggestions

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