Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'MD-101289' to data type int.

  • /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/

    INSERT INTO dbo.SMARTAdmissions ([SMARTUploadID]

    ,[Admission ID]

    ,[Treatment Services Group ID]

    ,[Client Intake ID]

    ,[Client ID]

    ,[Race Group ID]

    ,[Agency ID]

    ,[Clinic ID]

    ,[National Provider Identifier]

    ,[Facility Identifier]

    ,[Unique Client ID]

    ,[Admission Creation Date]

    ,[Agency Client ID]

    ,[Social Security Number]

    ,[Client Type]

    ,[Date of Admission]

    ,[Transaction Type]

    ,[Number of Prior Admissions]

    ,[Source of Referral]




    ,[Date of Birth]

    ,[County of Residence]

    ,[Zip Code]

    ,[Marital Status]

    ,[Highest School Grade Completed]

    ,[Employment Status]

    ,[Family Income]

    ,[Primary Source of Income]

    ,[Living Arrangement]

    ,[Number of Dependant Children]

    ,[Health Coverage]

    ,[Currently Pregnant?]

    ,[Current Mental Health Problems?]

    ,[Tobacco use in the past 30 days?]

    ,[Number of days waiting to enter treatment]

    ,[ASI Medical Score]

    ,[ASI Employment Score]

    ,[ASI Alcohol Score]

    ,[ASI Drug Score]

    ,[ASI Legal Score]

    ,[ASI Family Score]

    ,[ASI Psychiatric Score]

    ,[In a Controlled Environment past 30 Days?]

    ,[POSIT Substance Abuse Score]

    ,[POSIT Physical Health Score]

    ,[POSIT Mental Health Score]

    ,[POSIT Family Score]

    ,[POSIT Peer Score]

    ,[POSIT Education Status Score]

    ,[POSIT Vocational Status Score]

    ,[POSIT Social Skill Score]

    ,[POSIT Leisure Recreatal Score]

    ,[POSIT Aggression Score]

    ,[POSIT STD HIV Risk Score]

    ,[Primary Substance]

    ,[Primary Severity]

    ,[Primary Frequency]

    ,[Primary Route]

    ,[Primary Age of First Use]

    ,[Secondary Substance]

    ,[Secondary Severity]

    ,[Secondary Frequency]

    ,[Secondary Route]

    ,[Secondary Age of First Use]

    ,[Tertiary Substance]

    ,[Tertiary Severity]

    ,[Tertiary Frequency]

    ,[Tertiary Route]

    ,[Tertiary Age of First Use]

    ,[Treatment Setting]

    ,[Attending Grades K-12]

    ,[Attending GED Program]

    ,[Attending Vocational Training]

    ,[Attending Higher Education]

    ,[Number of Arrests in the Past Year]

    ,[Number of Arrests in the Past 30 Days]

    ,[Special Funding 1]

    ,[Special Funding 2]

    ,[Special Funding 3]

    ,[Special Project 1]

    ,[Special Project 2]

    ,[Special Project 3]

    ,[Number of Days in Support Group in Last 30 Days]

    ,[Number of Days Attended AA/NA in Last 30 Days]

    ,[Additional Information]

    ,[Is Submit Without ASI Scores]

    ,[Intake Date]

    ,[Intake Creation Date]





    ,CAST(A.[Admission ID] AS INT)


    ,CAST(A.[Client Intake ID] AS INT)

    ,CAST(A.[Client ID] AS INT)


    ,CAST(A.[Agency ID] AS INT)

    ,CAST(A.[Clinic ID] AS INT)

    ,CAST(A.[National Provider Identifier] AS INT)

    ,CAST(A.[Facility Identifier] AS INT)

    ,A.[Unique Client ID]

    ,A.[Admission Creation Date]

    ,A.[Agency Client ID]

    ,A.[Social Security Number]

    ,A.[Client Type]

    ,A.[Date of Admission]

    ,A.[Transaction Type]

    ,A.[Number of Prior Admissions]

    ,A.[Source of Referral]




    ,A.[Date of Birth]

    ,A.[County of Residence]

    ,A.[Zip Code]

    ,A.[Marital Status]

    ,A.[Highest School Grade Completed]

    ,A.[Employment Status]

    ,A.[Family Income]

    ,A.[Primary Source of Income]

    ,A.[Living Arrangement]

    ,A.[Number of Dependant Children]

    ,A.[Health Coverage]

    ,A.[Currently Pregnant?]

    ,A.[Current Mental Health Problems?]

    ,A.[Tobacco use in the past 30 days?]

    ,A.[Number of days waiting to enter treatment]

    ,A.[ASI Medical Score]

    ,A.[ASI Employment Score]

    ,A.[ASI Alcohol Score]

    ,A.[ASI Drug Score]

    ,A.[ASI Legal Score]

    ,A.[ASI Family Score]

    ,A.[ASI Psychiatric Score]

    ,A.[In a Controlled Environment past 30 Days?]

    ,A.[POSIT Substance Abuse Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Physical Health Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Mental Health Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Family Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Peer Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Education Status Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Vocational Status Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Social Skill Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Leisure Recreatal Score]

    ,A.[POSIT Aggression Score]

    ,A.[POSIT STD HIV Risk Score]

    ,A.[Primary Substance]

    ,A.[Primary Severity]

    ,A.[Primary Frequency]

    ,A.[Primary Route]

    ,A.[Primary Age of First Use]

    ,A.[Secondary Substance]

    ,A.[Secondary Severity]

    ,A.[Secondary Frequency]

    ,A.[Secondary Route]

    ,A.[Secondary Age of First Use]

    ,A.[Tertiary Substance]

    ,A.[Tertiary Severity]

    ,A.[Tertiary Frequency]

    ,A.[Tertiary Route]

    ,A.[Tertiary Age of First Use]

    ,A.[Treatment Setting]

    ,A.[Attending Grades K-12]

    ,A.[Attending GED Program]

    ,A.[Attending Vocational Training]

    ,A.[Attending Higher Education]

    ,A.[Number of Arrests in the Past Year]

    ,A.[Number of Arrests in the Past 30 Days]

    ,A.[Special Funding 1]

    ,A.[Special Funding 2]

    ,A.[Special Funding 3]

    ,A.[Special Project 1]

    ,A.[Special Project 2]

    ,A.[Special Project 3]

    ,A.[Number of Days in Support Group in Last 30 Days]

    ,A.[Number of Days Attended AA/NA in Last 30 Days]

    ,A.[Additional Information]

    ,A.[Is Submit Without ASI Scores]

    ,A.[Intake Date]

    ,A.[Intake Creation Date]




    FROM [SMART].[dbo].[SMARTAdmissionUpload] A, SMART.dbo.Admissions_Race_Group B, SMART.dbo.Admissions_Treatment_Services_Group C

  • And the question?

  • the question is that i don't know why I am still getting conversion error mesage: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'MD-101289' to data type int.

  • You're trying somewhere in that huge column list to insert a varchar value into an int column. Check the types of each columns. Or could be that one of those CAST (<column name> AS INT) you have there is trying to cast a column that is not integer to an integer. Check the contents of the columns.

    Is that supposed to be a cross join (cartesian product) there?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • deebabat (4/24/2012)

    the question is that i don't know why I am still getting conversion error mesage: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'MD-101289' to data type int.

    Because you can't convert the string value 'MD-101289' to an int. Not sure what else to say here.

  • What’s so difficult in the error message? Isn’t it sufficient to explain, you are trying to convert non-qualifying numeric value to integer.

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