mssql 2005 will only come up in singlwe user mode

  • I think one of my system database files is corrupted. I did an alter database... to move my Model and MSDB and now I can only start the instance with /f /t3608

    I can connect to the instance but I can't do anything I get an error that one of the database files does not match it's primary file.. I don't know if it's MSDB or MODEL but I pretty much can't do anything.

    I made a backup of model and msdb before I started.. how do I go about restoring them?

  • Still can't seem to figure out how to restore my model and msdb databases?????

  • I hope you follow this article:


  • Thank you. That is the article i followed and i must have messed up somehow.

    i can bring the instance up in single user mode but when I try to do a query to re-do my alter statements, it says i can't attach because only one seesion is allowed. in 2000 i used to be able to start query analyzer without starting enterprise manager.. can't figure out how to do that in 2005 Mgt Studio. I either need to reattach my files properly or restore model and msdb.. ?????

  • I tried starting the Instance from a command prompt

    sqlservr -c -m (minimal mode) so that I could restore model and msdb and it WILL NOT come up. I get an error saying that one of my files (either model or msdb) has a file that is incoimpatible with it's primary file.. any ideas?

  • i ended up starting the instance in single user (netstart mssqlserver /f /t3608), opening SSMS, cancelling the connect dialog and then opening a new query window and issueing my alter statements again to move the model and msdb files. little different than working with ENT manager and query analyzer!!!

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