MSSQL -> MySQL fails

  • This was posted previously with no response

    I have been trying to convert some information in my MS SQL server database to MySQL using DTS, so that the information can be dumped to MySQL on an automated schedule.

    I am having a problem with a few fields. Specifically text fields which contain over 8000 characters. When the DTS package runs, I receive an error indicating that the query based insertion of Blob fields is not supported. I have tried CASTing the field, but because some of the fields contain more then 8000 characters I still receive the error.

    The error message is:

    ...Query based insertion or updating of BLOB values is not supported

    I can use Access to "pass" the data from MS SQL server to MySQL. I can also use SQLyog to suck data from MS SQL and push it to MySQL.

    Why won't DTS work? Is there any way to make this work from MS SQL / DTS?

  • I haven't tried exactly this my self, but the problem lies in that SQL needs it's BLOB data written in chunks, and MySQL may be the same.  ODBC (DAO) and OLEDB (ADO) handle this for you, which is why you can pass the data through Access (not used SQLyog but presumably the same there too).

    Try using a VB script in DTS to do this tranformation on the BLOB column.

    Does anyone have a handy example of this that they can post here?

  • Ed,thanks for replying.

    Yes, if anyone has an example of how to handle this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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