Multi-column grouping help requested

  • Can you assist me with a query to select, for each machine_id and setting_type_id (group by), the setting_value determined by the latest change_date?

    create table machine_settings(machine_id, setting_type_id, setting_value, change_date)


    insert into machine_settings values ('1', 'width', 5, '12/17/2005 10:45:15 AM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('2', 'width', 12, '06/17/2006 02:45:15 PM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('1', 'width', 7, '08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('1', 'extension', 24, '07/08/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('1', 'diameter', 36, '08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('2', 'diameter', 18, '08/10/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    insert into machine_settings values ('2', 'extension', 12, '08/08/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    Results should look like this:

    machine_id setting_type_id setting_value change_date

    1 width 7 08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM

    1 extension 24 07/08/2006 08:04:15 PM

    1 diameter 36 08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM

    2 width 12 06/17/2006 02:45:15 PM

    2 extension 12 08/10/2006 08:04:15 PM

    2 diameter 36 08/10/2006 08:04:15 PM

    Note that I need to display the data only from the latest record of each machine and setting.

    I've gone around and around with this for a while now, with no love. It seems that all I'm coming up with are poor solutions involving temp tables, etc. Maybe it's just my day for a brain fart.

    Anyway, your help will be greatly appreciated.




  • By the way, I changed my example to use a table variable as opposed to a static table (for my own testing ease). 

    declare @machine_settings table (machine_id int, setting_type_id varchar(25), setting_value int, change_date datetime)

    set nocount on

    insert into @machine_settings values ('1', 'width', 5, '12/17/2005 10:45:15 AM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('2', 'width', 12, '06/17/2006 02:45:15 PM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('1', 'width', 7, '08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('1', 'extension', 24, '07/08/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('1', 'diameter', 36, '08/11/2006 10:04:15 AM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('2', 'diameter', 18, '08/10/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    insert into @machine_settings values ('2', 'extension', 12, '08/08/2006 08:04:15 PM')

    select ms1.machine_id,




    from @machine_settings ms1

        inner join (select machine_id, setting_type_id, Max(change_date) as change_date

                    from @machine_settings

                    group by machine_id, setting_type_id) ms2

        on ms1.machine_id = ms2.machine_id and ms1.setting_type_id = ms2.setting_type_id and ms1.change_date = ms2.change_date

    order by ms1.machine_id

    John Rowan

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  • Ah ha, now I see what I was forgetting. Thanks very much for your help.


  • Ummm..... that's a bit wierd if you try following the signature path of this one...

    --Jeff Moden

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