multi-part identifier could not be bound

  • The following query throws an error...

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure prc_Recalc_Rates, Line 24

    The multi-part identifier "a.delivery_dtime" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure prc_Recalc_Rates, Line 24

    The multi-part identifier "a.delivery_dtime" could not be bound.

    CREATE PROCEDURE prc_Recalc_Rates




    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##tmp_transaction') is null

    SELECT * INTO ##tmp_transaction

    FROM dbo.tr_transactions a


    (SELECT DISTINCT scheme_id

    FROM dbo.tr_scheme_rates

    WHERE recalculate_transactions = 1

    AND (([start_date] < a.delivery_dtime) AND (end_date > a.delivery_dtime))) b

    ON a.scheme_id = b.scheme_id



    The tr_scheme_rates table does have multiple instances of same schemeId, however, there are'nt any repeatition of the scheme_id, start_date, end_date combination. I need to weed out the mutiple instances of schemeid (from tr_scheme_rates), otherwise, mutiple instances of a single schemeid will cause the records from tr_transaction (INNER JOINED with schemeid) to be reported multiple times.

    Where I am going wrong ? Any word of advise will be greatly appreciated please.


  • Dont you think you should be putting this after the ON clause ?

    AND (([start_date] < a.delivery_dtime) AND (end_date > a.delivery_dtime))


  • or may be this? (untested as there is no test data)

    SELECT * INTO ##tmp_transaction

    FROM dbo.tr_transactions a

    Where a.scheme_id in (

    (SELECT DISTINCT scheme_id

    FROM dbo.tr_scheme_rates

    WHERE recalculate_transactions = 1

    AND (([start_date] < a.delivery_dtime) AND (end_date > a.delivery_dtime)))


  • Thank you so much,

    The second query works like a breeze.......However, still I want to know where I was going wrong please.


  • SSC, the reason you have the error is you are trying to reference the main table in your inline view query in the inner join and you can not do that nabha statement should work but you will have to test or send data and structures

  • Thanks, I got confused with the co-related subquery.


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