Multi Row Comparision

  • Hi,

    I have following tables:

    1. Problem_type (promblem_id, desc) -

    values (1, some problem-1)

    values (2, some problem-2)

    2. Problem_skills (problem_id, skill)

    values (1, skill-1)

    values (1, skill-2)

    values (1, skill-3)

    values (2, skill-1)

    values (2, skill-4)

    values (2, skill-5)

    3. Employee (employee_id, skill)

    value (1, skill-1)

    value( 1, skill-2)

    value(1, skill-3)

    values(1, skill-4)

    values (2, skill-5)

    values (2, skill-4)

    values (2, skill-3)

    values (3, skill-1)

    values (3, skill-1)

    I need help in determining which employee has the required skills matching to Problem -1. Based on sample data I prepared, for Problem 1, skills required are skill-1, skill-2, skill-3. The employee with these skills is Employee 1.

    Please help me how I can do multi-row comparision.

    thanks in advance


  • Hi,

    Try the following using a derived table to get a skill count for the problem in question and matching it against the employee with the required number of skills per problem.

    Select a.Problem_ID, A.Descr, A.ReqSkillCnt, c.Employee_id, Count(c.employee_ID) as AvailSkill

    From  (select a.problem_id as Problem_ID, a.descr as Descr, count(*) as ReqSkillCnt

     from problem_type a, problem_skills b

     where a.problem_id = b.problem_id

     and a.descr = 'some problem-1'

     group by a.problem_id, a.descr) as a,

     problem_skills b,

     employee c

    where  a.Problem_id = b.problem_id

    and  b.skill = c.skill

    group by a.problem_id, a.descr, a.reqskillcnt, c.employee_id

    having count(c.employee_id) = a.reqskillcnt

    Hope it helps

    The Aethyr Dragon

    Cape Town

  • Hi,

    Thanks, I tried it and it worked as desired

    thanks for the quick help


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