Multi-site Availability Group

  • I'm currently taking a lengthy look at HADRON and how to set this up across two data centres. Something I found was that all nodes need to be from the same cluster (which kind of killed the idea I had of a cluster in each data centre which I could have done with mirroring).

    I need to know if the following is correct (and the right way to go) :

    Basic setup :

    3 nodes in Data Centre A (1 x primary, plus x2 synchronous secondary nodes

    2 secondary nodes (1 Async + 1 sync) in Data Centre B.

    I would assume I would need to add the ApplicationIntent = ReadOnly part to the connection string when I come to use this from an application perspective.

    With Server R2 Enterprise I can have 16 nodes in a cluster so is it possible to set up say 10 servers in the cluster and then use 5 for one availability group and 5 for another (maybe 1 common one ?) ? I haven't got the kit to play with this just yet so am trying to read up as much as possible in advance.

    What I'm aiming to get to is both data centres running at the same time and the freedom to split the reads between data centres but also ensuring that everything continues to run should we lose a data centre.



  • for the purposes of my question, don't worry about storage. I can solve that quite easily once I know how to set the DB's up.


  • This is the bit that confuses....

    The diagram at the bottom indicates that my initial idea of a clustered instance at each site might be possible. It's probably me not fully getting clarity of WSFC and FCI. First day back off hols is my excuse. Any explanations on how to approach multi-site HADRON would be welcome.


  • I have not done this, but I've heard it's possible to set up a traditional HA cluster and then add that cluster to an Availability Group cluster. It's important to separate out the two types of clusters even though, documentation-wise, they sound like exactly the same thing. I'd suggest tracking down some of the writings of Denny Cherry or Allen Hirt. Those guys have a bit more depth on this topic than most of the rest of us.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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