Multiple Database, One Result Set

  • Is there a way to run a query against certain databases and have the results come back as one result set like UNION would do? I want to create a view for SSRS and I need my query to run only against certain databases. The number of databases may grow but the naming convention will always be the same. Does this make sense?

  • You'll need to use dynamic sql to build the sql statement with all the union alls. This assumes that the # of db can change at any time and you don't want to recode all the reports.

  • I was thinking of that but I would always have a UNION at the end of my statement which would blow everything up. How do I get around that?

  • Not sure I get your question.

    Are you having trouble building a valid select statement in dynamic sql?


    SET @Exec = ''


    @Exec = @Exec + 'SELECT * FROM [' + name + '].sys.objects UNION ALL '




    --Use your parameter in hear instead. --Make sure to protect against sql injection

    name NOT IN ( 'master' , 'tempdb' , 'model' , 'msdb' )

    SET @Exec = STUFF(@Exec , DATALENGTH(@Exec) - 10 , 10 , '')

    PRINT @Exec

    EXEC (




    BTW you need union ALL in this case, union performs a distinct to flush out duplicates. I assume you don't need to do this in this particular case.

  • Didn't know about the STUFF command, that helps. Another question, using that code how can I get this to work using it? I've been trying and I can't quite get it working.

    SELECT FullUrl AS 'Site URL', TimeCreated, DATEADD(d,

    DayLastAccessed + 65536,

    CONVERT(datetime, '1/1/1899', 101)) AS


    FROM [DATABSE_NAME].dbo.Webs

    WHERE (DayLastAccessed <> 0)

  • Never mind, I got everything working. Thank you very much for your help.

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