Multiple Destination Table in DTS

  • Hi ,

    I would like to one Source Table to multiple destination table using DTS , how can i achieve

    For Example:

    My Source is Foxpro and my Destination is SQl Server 2000.

    I have table called Customer Table in Foxpro

    but the SQl Server has got CustomerTbl,CustAddTbl . Now i want to map the columns in Source table to two destinations table(assuming column from source can be mapped to corresponding columns in destination tables ..

    Thanks in Advance


  • You could create a temporary table in SQL and then move the data from foxpro to this temporary table. I would then do a two step transformation and move the required fields from one table to each of the other tables. I have not tried it but you may be able to create a view between the tables and update the view.

    Bruce Szabo, MCSE+I, MCDBA, MCSD

    Bruce Szabo, MCSE+I, MCDBA, MCSD

  • Is there a reason why you can't just Create 2 DTS packages? One for each destination table.

  • thanks i have done it by moving to temp table and then using stored procedure in the destination side to move data from one table to another.

    thanks for the input.


  • In DTS you can create multiple destinations and connect them to a single source using an individual transform for each destination. Just create the destinations, then hold down the ctrl key and select the source then the destination and then hit the add transform icon. You can run them concurrently or in parallel.

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