multiple inner joins. same primary key

  • Hello.

    Hopefully someone can help with this simple query.

    SELECT     p.product_id, p.special_offer_id,

      bikes.bike_id, bikes.bike_model, bikes.bike_description, bikes.bike_online, bikes.bike_cc, bikes.bike_price_pounds, bikes.bike_price_pence, bikes.bike_description,

      parts.part_id, parts.part_name, parts.part_description, parts.part_price_pounds, parts.part_price_pence, parts.part_online

    FROM       products p

    INNER JOIN bikes bikes ON p.product_id = bikes.product_id

    INNER JOIN parts parts ON p.product_id = parts.product_id

    no data is returned when both joins are used, but I know the data should be returned as I can see it correctly in the db and also if I comment out one of the joins the single remaining join returns the correct data.

    Thanks alot.


  • Hi,

    Use the bellow query, If the data exists then surly it will return your required result.

    SELECT     p.product_id, p.special_offer_id,

      bikes.bike_id, bikes.bike_model, bikes.bike_description, bikes.bike_online, bikes.bike_cc, bikes.bike_price_pounds, bikes.bike_price_pence, bikes.bike_description,

      parts.part_id, parts.part_name, parts.part_description, parts.part_price_pounds, parts.part_price_pence, parts.part_online

    FROM       products p

    INNER JOIN bikes bikes ON p.product_id = bikes.product_id

    INNER JOIN parts parts ON bikes.product_id = parts.product_id


    If the part table contains the optional information then used the left outer join rather then inner join...

    SELECT     p.product_id, p.special_offer_id,

      bikes.bike_id, bikes.bike_model, bikes.bike_description, bikes.bike_online, bikes.bike_cc, bikes.bike_price_pounds, bikes.bike_price_pence, bikes.bike_description,

      parts.part_id, parts.part_name, parts.part_description, parts.part_price_pounds, parts.part_price_pence, parts.part_online

    FROM       products p

    INNER JOIN bikes bikes ON p.product_id = bikes.product_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN parts parts ON bikes.product_id = parts.product_id

    Hope this will slove your problem



  • Hello.

    Thankyou for the suggestion.

    However the parts table is totally unrelated to the bikes table so I cannot inner join from bikes.product_id to parts.product_id as there are no matching values.

    Both tables are related to the products table.

    So products.product_id = bikes.product_id

    and products.product_id = parts.product_id

    and I need data returned from the query for both these tables?


    Thanks again.


  • Ah, so products contains a super set of all products say? and bikes are just those products that are a bike, and parts are just those products that are part?

    Thus there are no product id's in bikes that are also in parts?

    Assuming this it sounds like what you want are LEFT JOINs or a UNION perhaps?

  • "Thus there are no product id's in bikes that are also in parts?"

    yes. that is the case.


    I have tried left join now. Looks good! Will let you know how I get on.






  • Hi again.

    I can get my data with left join but that also returns 2 blank rows??

    Here is some sample data:

    sample data


    productID generic fields.......










    part_id productID part_type_id part_manu_id desc fields.....

    1 19 3 11

    2 20 4 11

    3 35 4 11


    bike_id productID bike_type_id bike_manu_id desc fields.....

    7 12 8 2

    9 20 3 2

    I come across my next problem also - which is to get the information from the BIKE_TYPE, BIKE_MANUFACTURER, PART_TYPE and PART_MANUFACTURER tables in the same query.

    Thanks very much your help is greatly appreciated.







  • You know, I am not an expert, but I can foresee some major problems for you in the future.

    You have three tables. The products table is using the same column to link to the other two tables. Now, supposing a Bike ever gets the same ID number as a Part. Your Products table will contain the value X, and it will be matched against a Bike X and a Part X. This is going to lead to some confusion somewhere.

    Why not have a single table for "Products", with a field that is "Type". Set Type to 1 and you have a Bike, Set it to 2 and you have a Part.

    This would solve some of the problems you are currently having, and while it would doubtless give you new problems (I keep being told they are opportunities for improvement), it should avoid that matching bike and part id in the future.


    All Best






  • Depends on how precisely the data look like, but from what you posted this seems to be a good candidate for UNION. If some columns that you will be displaying are different for different tables (parts, bikes), then you can't use UNION.

    There is one thing to be remembered - once you start LEFT JOINs, any other tables that you link further to these (leftjoined) tables must also use LEFT JOIN.

    SELECT     p.product_id, p.special_offer_id, ...., prod_details.type, prod_details.manufacturer_name

    FROM       products p


    (SELECT b.product_id, bt.type as type, bm.manu_name as manufacturer_name

    FROM bikes b

    LEFT JOIN bike_type bt ON bt.type_id = b.bike_type_id

    LEFT JOIN bike_manufacturer bm ON bm.manu_id = b.bike_manu_id


    SELECT pt.product_id, ptt.type as type, ptm.manu_name as manufacturer_name

    FROM parts pt

    LEFT JOIN part_type ptt ON ptt.type_id = pt.part_type_id

    LEFT JOIN part_manufacturer pm ON pm.manu_id = pt.part_manu_id) as prod_details

    ON prod_details.product_id = p.product_id

    Another possibility would be to join all tables in one query (not using derived table like above), and then in the SELECT clause COALESCE to populate the columns from each respective table:

    SELECT     p.product_id, p.special_offer_id, ...., COALESCE(bt.type,ptt.type, ''), COALESCE(bm.manu_name, pm.manu_name,'')

    FROM       products p

    LEFT JOIN bikes b ON b.product_id = p.product_id

    LEFT JOIN bike_type bt ON bt.type_id = b.bike_type_id

    LEFT JOIN bike_manufacturer bm ON bm.manu_id = b.bike_manu_id

    LEFT JOIN parts pt ON pt.product_id = p.product_id

    LEFT JOIN part_type ptt ON ptt.type_id = pt.part_type_id

    LEFT JOIN part_manufacturer pm ON pm.manu_id = pt.part_manu_id

    But... with such complex queries, you have to test whether rows don't multiply in the result. I don't know anything about your data, so take this SQL just as a hint, not a ready solution.

    Also, I wholeheartedly agree with Conway, that this calls for trouble and is too complicated. I suppose that the front end ensures that product_id is unique and can't be used for both a bike and a part... but anyway... product is product, and manufacturer is manufacturer. Why separate tables for bike manufacturers and part manufacturers? What if a company produces both bikes and parts?

  • You say the PARTS table has nothing to do with the BIKES tables. Yet in your sample data both have product_ID=20 which you link to PRODUCTS. I fail to see what's going on.

  • You might want to look at

    where there is a very similar problem.

    I have coined it the dual one-to-many link problem. It might better be called the dual zero-to-many link problem. It essentially links table t1 to table t2 and t1 to t3. The link betwen t1 and t2 can produce 0, one or many matches. The link between t1 and t3 also can produce 0, one ore many matches.

  • Taking your data (to which I have added an extra bike record - to make things interesting) you want a query that produces a result like this:

    productid   partdes                            bikedes                       

    ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

    12            NULL                                 NULL

    13            NULL                                 NULL

    15            NULL                                 NULL

    18            NULL                                 NULL

    19            part 19 des                        bike 19 des

    20            part 20 des                        bike 20 des

    35            part 35 des                        NULL

    36            NULL                                 bike 36 des

    See query and data below. Here there is a 1 to zero or one link. Things get tricky when yuo have a 1 to  zero or one or many link. Hope this helps.


    select productid,max(partdes) partdes,max(bikedes) bikedes



      select productid,null partdes,null bikedes

      from products

      union all

      select productid,partdes,null

      from parts

      union all

      select productid,null,bikedes

      from bikes

      ) u

    group by productid

    order by productid


    drop table products

    create table products


      productid int,

      productdes varchar(30)


    insert into products values(12,'product 12 des')

    insert into products values(13,'product 13 des')

    insert into products values(15,'product 15 des')

    insert into products values(18,'product 18 des')

    insert into products values(19,'product 19 des')

    insert into products values(20,'product 20 des')

    insert into products values(35,'product 35 des')

    insert into products values(36,'product 36 des')

    drop table parts

    create table parts


      productid int,

      partdes varchar(30)


    insert into parts values(19,'part 19 des')

    insert into parts values(20,'part 20 des')

    insert into parts values(35,'part 35 des')

    drop table bikes

    create table bikes


      productid int,

      bikedes varchar(30)


    insert into bikes values(19,'bike 19 des')

    insert into bikes values(20,'bike 20 des')

    insert into bikes values(36,'bike 36 des')

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