Multiple Personality

  • Why port Windows to another chipset? At the level of programming used for windows there is no technical advantage to using another chip set so unless you can get significantly higher performance at a significantly low cost, why do it?

    If you just want an opportunity to poke Intel in the eye (the "Big is Bad" club) there is, as far as I can see, no reason to port it. It's been done before, as mentioned in the article, and all those ports and all the time involved in producing and maintaining the ports is gone.

  • I thought this might fit with April Fools, since I wrote the "SQL Server on Linux" article a couple years ago.

    My feeling is kind of like most of you. I don't want more resources going away from Windows to other chips since they have enough issues with Windows on Intel. Also, virtualization starts to make the hardware not matter. There's a performance hit, but I have friends with literally hunderds of servers on VMs.

    Thanks for all the comments.

  • I am waiting for the day when the OS will come on a chip and have enough built in ram to handle updates and expansion.

    Then you can put it in what ever a board manufacture wants to support and have instant OS on bootup. :w00t:

  • What the hell does "performant" mean? To the best of my searching, it's not a word and has no meaning. I've seen it in a couple of other articles (it's not in this one, it's in one of the first replies).

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • Wait, I found it on urban dictionary, and now I hate it more. I mean, who wants to be "dorky"?

    Something that has adequate or better performance. Combination of "Performance" and "Conformant". Commonly used by Microsofties but not a real word.

    "It's super super important to get that code performant before we ship!"

    tags nerdy software microsoft washington dorky

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • hey, we're geeks. Not like we'd be less dorky.

    Besides, everyone wants to invent a new word or acronym. Keeps "Meeting Bingo" fresh.

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

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