Multiple values not showing in SSRS Report

  • Sorry I've been quite busy with a some other work.

    I seems like a lot of effort to get a distinct list of Items.

    A couple of suggestions, dont use SELECT....INTO they may have been more optimal in previous versions due to lack of logging, but everything I've read on 2008 suggests that this is no longer the case with Temp tables.

    I would issue a Truncate Table for the [dbo].[HorizontalTable1] rather than a Drop Table, and change the select into an INSERT INTO, it will save a bit of overhead on the table creation with the select.

    Secondly, I would manually create the #Temp table used at the bottom, as one of the first tables.

    This would be my revised script.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Waterfall_New]

    -- declaring the variables to be used in the procedure


    @FieldDate VARCHAR(20) = null,

    @Item varchar(50) = null ,

    @Company varchar(50) = null,

    @Division varchar(50) = null,

    @Corporation varchar(50) = null,

    @SoldTo varchar(50) = null,

    @Department varchar(50) = null,

    @ShipTo varchar(50) = null




    This fools SSRS into recognising the data set thus it shouldnt Error.

    If you're only returning 1 column limit the set to that


    if 1=2



    Cast (null AS <datatype>) Item

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) ShipTo

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) Class1

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) Class2

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) Class3

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) Class4

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) SysFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) SysFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) SysFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) SysFcst#4

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) AdjFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) AdjFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) AdjFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS <datatype>) AdjFcst#4


    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    Item As <datatype>

    , ShipTo As <datatype>

    , Class1 As <datatype>

    , Class2 As <datatype>

    , Class3 As <datatype>

    , Class4 As <datatype>

    , SysFcst#1 As <datatype>

    , SysFcst#2 As <datatype>

    , SysFcst#3 As <datatype>

    , SysFcst#4 As <datatype>

    , AdjFcst#1 As <datatype>

    , AdjFcst#2 As <datatype>

    , AdjFcst#3 As <datatype>

    , AdjFcst#4 As <datatype>


    -- STAGE 1

    select Item as SysDate

    into #SystemDateTable1

    from January

    where item = '01 2011'

    select Item as sysDate

    into #systemDateTable2

    from February

    where item = '02 2011'

    TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[HorizontalTable1]

    -- STAGE 2

    --select * from HorizontalTable1

    --select * from #HorizontalTable2

    Insert into [dbo].[HorizontalTable1]

    select SysDate as CaptureDate,item,Company,Division,Corporation,SoldTo,Department,Class1,ShipTo,Class2,Class3,Class4,SysFcst#1,SysFcst#2


    ,SysFcst#12,AdjFcst#1 as Fcst01,AdjFcst#2 as Fcst02,AdjFcst#3 as Fcst03,AdjFcst#4 as Fcst04,AdjFcst#5 as Fcst05,AdjFcst#6 as Fcst06,AdjFcst#7 as Fcst07,AdjFcst#8 as Fcst08

    ,AdjFcst#9 as Fcst09,AdjFcst#10 as Fcst10,AdjFcst#11 as Fcst11,AdjFcst#12 as Fcst12

    from January Cross Join #SystemDateTable1

    select SysDate as CaptureDate,item,Company,Division,Corporation,SoldTo,Department,ShipTo,Class1,Class2,Class3,Class4,SysFcst#1,SysFcst#2


    ,SysFcst#12,AdjFcst#1 as Fcst01,AdjFcst#2 as Fcst02,AdjFcst#3 as Fcst03,AdjFcst#4 as Fcst04,AdjFcst#5 as Fcst05,AdjFcst#6 as Fcst06,AdjFcst#7 as Fcst07,AdjFcst#8 as Fcst08

    ,AdjFcst#9 as Fcst09,AdjFcst#10 as Fcst10,AdjFcst#11 as Fcst11,AdjFcst#12 as Fcst12

    into #HorizontalTable2

    from February Cross Join #systemDateTable2

    -- Stage 3

    Select 'Fcst' as DataType


    ,DateAdd(MONTH,-1, (Cast(Right(CaptureDate,4) + '/' + Left(CaptureDate,2) +'/01' as Date )))AS FieldDate












    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    INTO #VerticalTable

    FROM HorizontalTable1

    --select *

    -- from HorizontalTable1

    select 'Fcst' as DataType


    ,DateAdd(MONTH,0, (Cast(Right(CaptureDate,4) + '/' + Left(CaptureDate,2) +'/01' as Date )))AS FieldDate












    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    INTO #VerticalTable2

    FROM #HorizontalTable2

    --Drop table #VerticalTable2

    --STAGE 4

    --DECLARE @Item varchar(10)

    --set @Item = 'B905-50'

    --declare @FieldDate varchar(15)

    --set @FieldDate = '20101201'

    --declare @ShipTo varchar(15)

    --set @ShipTo = 'CUST0015'

    select V.DataType, V.CaptureDate, V.FieldDate,V.Item,V.Company,V.Division,V.Corporation,V.SoldTo,V.Department,V.ShipTo

    ,V.Class1, V.Class2, V.Class3, V.Class4

    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    from #VerticalTable V

    where V.FieldDate = @FieldDate

    --AND (@Item IS NULL OR V.Item = @Item)

    AND (@Company IS NULL OR V.Company = @Company)

    AND (@Division IS NULL OR V.Division = @Division)

    AND (@Corporation IS NULL OR V.Corporation = @Corporation)

    AND (@SoldTo IS NULL OR V.SoldTo = @SoldTo)

    AND (@Department IS NULL OR V.Department = @Department)

    AND (@ShipTo IS NULL OR V.ShipTo = @ShipTo)

    union all

    select V2.DataType, V2.CaptureDate, V2.FieldDate,V2.Item,V2.Company,V2.Division, V2.Corporation,V2.SoldTo,V2.Department,V2.ShipTo

    ,V2.Class1, V2.Class2, V2.Class3, V2.Class4

    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    from #VerticalTable2 V2

    where V2.FieldDate = @FieldDate

    --AND (@Item IS NULL OR V2.Item = @Item)

    AND (@Company IS NULL OR V2.Company = @Company)

    AND (@Division IS NULL OR V2.Division = @Division)

    AND (@Corporation IS NULL OR V2.Corporation = @Corporation)

    AND (@SoldTo IS NULL OR V2.SoldTo = @SoldTo)

    AND (@Department IS NULL OR V2.Department = @Department)

    AND (@ShipTo IS NULL OR V2.ShipTo = @ShipTo)

    --select * from #VerticalTable2

    --select * from #VerticalTable

    --select * from #VerticalTable

    --where FieldDate = '20101201'

    --and Item = 'B905-50'

    --drop table HorizontalTable1

    --drop table

    ---- Temp table to populate primary key and item

    --select distinct Item as work

    -- from dbo.January

    --- I original had this script in SSRS dataset called item

    INSERT INTO #temp

    select distinct Item

    , ShipTo

    , Class1

    , Class2

    , Class3

    , Class4

    , SysFcst#1

    , SysFcst#2

    , SysFcst#3

    , SysFcst#4

    , AdjFcst#1

    , AdjFcst#2

    , AdjFcst#3

    , AdjFcst#4

    from dbo.January

    where Item IN ('A101','A102','A105','A202','A205','B901-12'



    select distinct Item from #temp

    (appologies for formatting if it looks wrong), I'll address the Function in a seperate post.

    (Edits Missing the IF and comments)

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (10/6/2011)

    Well it compiles on my system but obviously doesn't run without the tables.

    Can you run the sp alone in ssms?

    If yes, you can try dumping the dataset and redoing it.

    Ninja it would run is SSMS, this article on the MS forums explains the work round

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • @ Jason

    When i try running the script i get the following error which i cant seem to fix

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 22

    Incorrect syntax near '<'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 40

    Incorrect syntax near '<'.

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Jnrstevej (10/7/2011)

    @ Jason

    When i try running the script i get the following error which i cant seem to fix

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 22

    Incorrect syntax near '<'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 40

    Incorrect syntax near '<'.

    sorry I should have explained, you need to replace the <datatype> with the appropriate data type you need for those columns, as that is the unknown for, Eg


    Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Item

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) ShipTo

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class1

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class2

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class3

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class4

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#4

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#4

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • A Question on the multi selected, is the intention to have the @Item variable store the results of the selection by the user?

    Ninja is correct about an Indexted Temp table being another option, however if you intend to use a similar method in other places the benefits of a re-usable Table function out weigh the performance gain of the temp table, IMHO.

    As far as I'm aware SQL server will determine the type of function that is created, in this case its an In-line table function that is created.

    If we create the one in the link i provided on the first page, you would have a UF_CSVToTable function.

    You would call this

    INSERT INTO #temp

    select distinct Item

    , ShipTo

    , Class1

    , Class2

    , Class3

    , Class4

    , SysFcst#1

    , SysFcst#2

    , SysFcst#3

    , SysFcst#4

    , AdjFcst#1

    , AdjFcst#2

    , AdjFcst#3

    , AdjFcst#4

    from dbo.January

    JOIN dbo.UF_CSVToTable(@Item)

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • I keep getting errors with this section of the code:

    'Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 40

    'varchar' is not a recognized built-in function name'

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    Item As (varchar(50)

    , ShipTo As (varchar(50)

    , Class1 As (varchar(50)

    , Class2 As (varchar(50)

    , Class3 As (varchar(50)

    , Class4 As (varchar(50)

    , SysFcst#1 As int

    , SysFcst#2 As int

    , SysFcst#3 As int

    , SysFcst#4 As int

    , AdjFcst#1 As int

    , AdjFcst#2 As int

    , AdjFcst#3 As int

    , AdjFcst#4 As int


    @Item variable is not meant to store the results but simply allow the user to select multiple values. For example, if they select A101 i want to store all the corresponding data related to that item. However, if i select A101 and A102 i want in SSRS to select show the corresponding data for the two items.

    -- What I'm trying to achieve within SSRS

    -- The user only select A101

    A101 4 5 6 7

    A101 3 5 7 8

    -- The user only select A102

    A102 3 4 6 5

    A102 6 4 8 9

    -- The user select A101 and A102

    A101 4 5 6 7

    A101 3 5 7 8

    A102 3 4 6 5

    A102 6 4 8 9

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • This should work

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    Item As varchar(50)

    , ShipTo As varchar(50)

    , Class1 As varchar(50)

    , Class2 As varchar(50)

    , Class3 As varchar(50)

    , Class4 As varchar(50)

    , SysFcst#1 As int

    , SysFcst#2 As int

    , SysFcst#3 As int

    , SysFcst#4 As int

    , AdjFcst#1 As int

    , AdjFcst#2 As int

    , AdjFcst#3 As int

    , AdjFcst#4 As int


    You had one too many brackets in the statement it should work now.

    as for the RS report, you need to set up the Item list to be a multiple select, this will then pass data into the Variable as 'A101,A102'

    At this point you need to split the Vairalbe that contains this data into a its consituent parts other wise the query will compile like







    Item in ('A101,A102')

    Where you want something like







    Item in ('A101','A102')

    This is where the text spliter comes into play.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error message.

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Waterfall_version2, Line 40

    'varchar' is not a recognized built-in function name.

    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Waterfall_version2]

    -- Declaring the variables to be used in the procedure


    @FieldDate VARCHAR(20) = null,

    @Item varchar(50) = null ,

    @Company varchar(50) = null,

    @Division varchar(50) = null,

    @Corporation varchar(50) = null,

    @SoldTo varchar(50) = null,

    @Department varchar(50) = null,

    @ShipTo varchar(50) = null




    This fools SSRS into recognising the data set thus it shouldnt Error.

    If you're only returning 1 column limit the set to that


    if 1=2



    Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Item

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) ShipTo

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class1

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class2

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class3

    ,Cast (null AS varchar(50)) Class4

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) SysFcst#4

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#1

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#2

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#3

    ,Cast (null AS Decimal(36,10)) AdjFcst#4


    --------Still getting the same error message with this part

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    Item As varchar(50)

    , ShipTo As varchar(50)

    , Class1 As varchar(50)

    , Class2 As varchar(50)

    , Class3 As varchar(50)

    , Class4 As varchar(50)

    , SysFcst#1 As int

    , SysFcst#2 As int

    , SysFcst#3 As int

    , SysFcst#4 As int

    , AdjFcst#1 As int

    , AdjFcst#2 As int

    , AdjFcst#3 As int

    , AdjFcst#4 As int



    -- STAGE 1

    select Item as SysDate

    into #SystemDateTable1

    from January

    where item = '01 2011'

    select Item as sysDate

    into #systemDateTable2

    from February

    where item = '02 2011'

    TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[HorizontalTable1]

    -- STAGE 2

    Insert into [dbo].[HorizontalTable1]

    select SysDate as CaptureDate,item,Company,Division,Corporation,SoldTo,Department,Class1,ShipTo,Class2,Class3,Class4,SysFcst#1,SysFcst#2


    ,SysFcst#12,AdjFcst#1 as Fcst01,AdjFcst#2 as Fcst02,AdjFcst#3 as Fcst03,AdjFcst#4 as Fcst04,AdjFcst#5 as Fcst05,AdjFcst#6 as Fcst06,AdjFcst#7 as Fcst07,AdjFcst#8 as Fcst08

    ,AdjFcst#9 as Fcst09,AdjFcst#10 as Fcst10,AdjFcst#11 as Fcst11,AdjFcst#12 as Fcst12

    from January Cross Join #SystemDateTable1

    select SysDate as CaptureDate,item,Company,Division,Corporation,SoldTo,Department,ShipTo,Class1,Class2,Class3,Class4,SysFcst#1,SysFcst#2


    ,SysFcst#12,AdjFcst#1 as Fcst01,AdjFcst#2 as Fcst02,AdjFcst#3 as Fcst03,AdjFcst#4 as Fcst04,AdjFcst#5 as Fcst05,AdjFcst#6 as Fcst06,AdjFcst#7 as Fcst07,AdjFcst#8 as Fcst08

    ,AdjFcst#9 as Fcst09,AdjFcst#10 as Fcst10,AdjFcst#11 as Fcst11,AdjFcst#12 as Fcst12

    into #HorizontalTable2

    from February Cross Join #systemDateTable2

    -- Stage 3

    Select 'Fcst' as DataType


    ,DateAdd(MONTH,-1, (Cast(Right(CaptureDate,4) + '/' + Left(CaptureDate,2) +'/01' as Date )))AS FieldDate












    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    INTO #VerticalTable

    FROM HorizontalTable1

    select 'Fcst' as DataType


    ,DateAdd(MONTH,0, (Cast(Right(CaptureDate,4) + '/' + Left(CaptureDate,2) +'/01' as Date )))AS FieldDate












    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    INTO #VerticalTable2

    FROM #HorizontalTable2

    --STAGE 4



    --DECLARE @Item varchar(10)

    --set @Item = 'B905-50'

    --declare @FieldDate varchar(15)

    --set @FieldDate = '20101201'

    --declare @ShipTo varchar(15)

    --set @ShipTo = 'CUST0015'


    select V.DataType, V.CaptureDate, V.FieldDate,V.Item,V.Company,V.Division,V.Corporation,V.SoldTo,V.Department,V.ShipTo

    ,V.Class1, V.Class2, V.Class3, V.Class4

    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    from #VerticalTable V

    where V.FieldDate = @FieldDate

    --AND (@Item IS NULL OR V.Item = @Item)

    AND (@Company IS NULL OR V.Company = @Company)

    AND (@Division IS NULL OR V.Division = @Division)

    AND (@Corporation IS NULL OR V.Corporation = @Corporation)

    AND (@SoldTo IS NULL OR V.SoldTo = @SoldTo)

    AND (@Department IS NULL OR V.Department = @Department)

    AND (@ShipTo IS NULL OR V.ShipTo = @ShipTo)

    union all

    select V2.DataType, V2.CaptureDate, V2.FieldDate,V2.Item,V2.Company,V2.Division, V2.Corporation,V2.SoldTo,V2.Department,V2.ShipTo

    ,V2.Class1, V2.Class2, V2.Class3, V2.Class4

    ,Fcst01 ,Fcst02 ,Fcst03 ,Fcst04,Fcst05,Fcst06,Fcst07,Fcst08,Fcst09,Fcst10,Fcst11,Fcst12

    from #VerticalTable2 V2

    where V2.FieldDate = @FieldDate

    --AND (@Item IS NULL OR V2.Item = @Item)

    AND (@Company IS NULL OR V2.Company = @Company)

    AND (@Division IS NULL OR V2.Division = @Division)

    AND (@Corporation IS NULL OR V2.Corporation = @Corporation)

    AND (@SoldTo IS NULL OR V2.SoldTo = @SoldTo)

    AND (@Department IS NULL OR V2.Department = @Department)

    AND (@ShipTo IS NULL OR V2.ShipTo = @ShipTo)

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Any luck?

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Sorry its my fault I type things as I'm thinking, and a common fault of mine is during table creation scripts where I think the word AS and then type it subliminally.

    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    Item varchar(50)

    , ShipTo varchar(50)

    , Class1 varchar(50)

    , Class2 varchar(50)

    , Class3 varchar(50)

    , Class4 varchar(50)

    , SysFcst#1 int

    , SysFcst#2 int

    , SysFcst#3 int

    , SysFcst#4 int

    , AdjFcst#1 int

    , AdjFcst#2 int

    , AdjFcst#3 int

    , AdjFcst#4 int


    This is the create table script.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Thanks in the process of testing this now

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

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