Must declare the scalar variable

  • Hi All,

    I am not a developer but my boss assign some work please help me on below query...

    SELECT @columnNames = COALESCE( @columnNames + ',', '') + column_name,

    @columnConvert = COALESCE( @columnConvert + ',', '') + 'convert(nvarchar(4000),'

    + column_name + case when data_type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime') then ',121'

    when data_type in ('numeric', 'decimal') then ',128'

    when data_type in ('float', 'real', 'money', 'smallmoney') then ',2'

    when data_type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime') then ',120'

    else ''

    end + ') as ' + column_name


    WHERE table_name = '##TempExportData'

    Error :- Must declare the scalar variable "@columnNames".

  • you need to declare the variables @columnNames and @columnConvert, take a look at the DECLARE syntax and then define the correct data type which is needed for the variables.

  • Hi Green,

    Could you please update the query. I am not understand this one...

    Thanks in advance...

  • This URL will help you understand DELCARE

    You will need to do something like this

    DECLARE @column1 somedatatype, @column2 somedatetype, @column3 somedatatype

  • Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for update. Actually below query i need to execute & output should come in Excel format, please help me where need to change. If possible please do the changes & update me.

    I am a part of DBA ZERO in query part, please help on below query..


    use master


    if object_id('spExportData') is not null

    drop proc spExportData


    create proc spExportData


    @dbName varchar(100) = 'master',

    @sql varchar(5000) = '',

    @fullFileName varchar(100) = ''



    if @sql = '' or @fullFileName = ''


    select 0 as ReturnValue -- failure



    -- if DB isn't passed in set it to master

    select @dbName = 'use ' + @dbName + ';'

    if object_id('##TempExportData') is not null

    drop table ##TempExportData

    if object_id('##TempExportData2') is not null

    drop table ##TempExportData2

    -- insert data into a global temp table

    declare @columnNames varchar(8000), @columnConvert varchar(8000), @tempSQL varchar(8000)

    select @tempSQL = left(@sql, charindex('from', @sql)-1) + ' into ##TempExportData ' +

    substring(@sql, charindex('from', @sql)-1, len(@sql))

    exec(@dbName + @tempSQL)

    if @@error > 0


    select 0 as ReturnValue -- failure



    -- build 2 lists

    -- 1. column names

    -- 2. columns converted to nvarchar

    SELECT @columnNames = COALESCE( @columnNames + ',', '') + column_name,

    @columnConvert = COALESCE( @columnConvert + ',', '') + 'convert(nvarchar(4000),'

    + column_name + case when data_type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime') then ',121'

    when data_type in ('numeric', 'decimal') then ',128'

    when data_type in ('float', 'real', 'money', 'smallmoney') then ',2'

    when data_type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime') then ',120'

    else ''

    end + ') as ' + column_name


    WHERE table_name = '##TempExportData'

    -- execute select query to insert data and column names into new temp table

    SELECT @sql = 'select ' + @columnNames + ' into ##TempExportData2 from (select ' + @columnConvert + ', ''2'' as [temp##SortID]

    from ##TempExportData union all select ''' + replace(@columnNames, ',', ''', ''') + ''', ''1'') t order by [temp##SortID]'

    exec (@sql)

    -- build full BCP query

    select @sql = 'bcp "' + @dbName + ' select * from ##TempExportData2" queryout "' + @fullFileName + '" -E -CRAW'

    -- execute BCP

    Exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

    if @@error > 0


    select 0 as ReturnValue -- failure



    drop table ##TempExportData

    drop table ##TempExportData2

    select 1 as ReturnValue -- success


    declare @sql varchar(6800), @dbName varchar(100), @fullFileName varchar(100)

    select @dbName = 'database', @sql = 'select * tablename', @fullFileName = 'C:\test.xls'

    exec master..spExportData @dbName, @sql, @fullFileName

  • What is the problem you are having with this procedure?

  • saidapurs (5/16/2012)

    If possible please do the changes & update me.

    Just an FYI: This is a bad way to phrase a request for help. It raises the hackles of forum regulars because most people who say that are looking for homework solutions or too lazy to do the work themselves. If you keep using this phrase, people will start quoting you their hourly rates and advising you to find a contractor in your area to come into your office.

    That being said, a first glance at your stored procedure doesn't indicate that it would have the same error message as what's in the first post. So what error message are you getting?

    Also, you need to post DDL (CREATE TABLE statements) and sample data if you want us to test your proc or help you locate a problem.

    EDIT: I just realized your proc is using a system table, so DDL is not needed, but remember for future posting that it will be needed for user tables.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • In addition to what Brandie said... learning to use the code and /code IFCode shortcuts to separater your code from your post is a big help too.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
    For help with Performance click this link[/url]
    For tips on how to post your problems[/url]

  • In addition to what everyone else has said, it would also help if you formatted your code. There are free tools on the web that will help you with this, one is Reggate has one as well here,

  • one issue with this procedure is it is using global temp tables (##TempExportData) if 2 people are running the report at the same time they will contaminate each others data. using a single # for the temp table eliminates this issue. i also think you can eliminate the executing of the dynamic select statement and build it into your BCP call. also an explination of what the SP does along with a use case will help us diagnose every thing further.

    but from your error and posted query it looks like you are trying to run just the query posted for debugging purposes and as such have not declared the variables in the scope of the batch.

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

    For performance Issues see how we like them posted here: How to Post Performance Problems - Gail Shaw[/url]

    Need to Split some strings? Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 1[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 2[/url]

  • Well if we're going to nitpick.... let's get the thing out of Master while we're at it.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
    For help with Performance click this link[/url]
    For tips on how to post your problems[/url]

  • Hi Brandie,

    I apriciate your responce & i agree with you but issue is i am not yet wrote any SP in my life. so while adding this once i requested to give me solution.....

    Now it is critical for me so i requested....

    Thank you

  • saidapurs (5/16/2012)

    Hi Brandie,

    I apriciate your responce & i agree with you but issue is i am not yet wrote any SP in my life. so while adding this once i requested to give me solution.....

    Now it is critical for me so i requested....

    Thank you

    Here is the problem. We are volunteers on this site and we provide assistance when we can. If you have something critical that must be done, this really isn't the place to come. If you have critical work, you should be working with your coworkers and/or supervisor.

  • saidapurs (5/16/2012)

    I apriciate your responce & i agree with you but issue is i am not yet wrote any SP in my life. so while adding this once i requested to give me solution.....

    I know you didn't write the stored procedure. You made that clear, which is why we're discussing this and not ignoring you. But there are 3 issues.

    1) We won't ever give you a complete solution. We will give you suggestions and point you to articles that will help you learn and grow your skills. But complete solutions are beyond us because we do not know your environment and limitations.

    Reason: You may not be a DBA, but if the boss is giving you this proc to fix, he will probably be giving you more. Us doing your work for you, critical or not, will not protect you from repeated emergency fixes, which will lead to you asking us to do more of your work.

    2) You haven't told us what the problem is with the full stored procedure. There is no error message posted for it, and no details on why it is not working, or what you're supposed to do with it other than put the data into an Excel sheet.

    Just a note, stored procedures don't output to Excel spreadsheets. You're better off creating an SSIS package or learning how to use the bcp utility. The details for both are in SQL Server Books Online.

    3) What Lynn said. This is not the place to go for critical problems. We don't respond that fast.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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