my ISP won''t open port 1433

  • If they are worried about Slammer, this should serve as a rude awakening to them that they've got it all wrong:

    Symantec write-up

    McAfee write-up

    F-Secure write-up

    Study on why it spread so fast:

    The Spread of the Sapphire/Slammer Worm

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Here's another one, from Cisco:

    Cisco SAFE SQL Slammer Worm Attack Mitigation

    This document contains the following statement:

    The most effective method to contain this worm is the application of ingress and egress filters or access control lists (ACLs) blocking port 1434 UDP.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks Brian, and everyone else for your help on this issue.

    I threw everything i had at them, and they won't open port 1433 tcp.  I submitted all the documentation above and explained how 1433 was not affected by slammer virus and at first they refused to open the email.  After a few minutes of arguing, i was able to get to a very helpful level 2 technician, and he took the documentation and went to the Administrator.  I don't think the admin even read it.  Didn't take but a few min for the level 2 to come back and tell me "no" again.

    Their latest reason was that they just got hit in 3 school districts on port 1433 and that there is no way it be opened.

    Unfortunately, they are the only ISP i can use.  So it seems like i'm going to have to move all clients into a dedicated|managed hosting solution so that i can use VPN to bypass the bureaucracy.


  • Talk to the guys here at SSC. They might be able to point you in the right direction.

    K. Brian Kelley

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