name instances in sql server

  • How to create name instances in sql server

  • Install ur SQL Server again on the same machine where u have ur SQL Default instance installed. SQL will detect during the installation process that one instance allready exists and then will ask u to name ur second instance(Ur named instance). Then ur named instance gets installed. Named instance has a Dollar sign($) added to the name of that instance. e.g. MSSQL$YourServerName

  • Thank you. What is the purpose of using it and how do I get all work together?

  • Its depends on the situation. Say, in an organization, a group of developers may use named instance to run multiple version of their application (like dev/test/prod environment).

    Or may be you need to verify every changes made to the app/DB is correct before applying the same on your production instance.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • u can think of it as, ur company doesnt has money to buy to different boxes(or computer) because it will be more costly due to more license of operating system but they have two SQL installation licenses so they will go for installing both SQL servers on one Box. First one can be used for ur Prod purposes and other for Staging or UAt purposes. Both SQL server will have different names but same I.P as they r on same box.

  • Thank you

  • Hi Savitha,

    The named instance is the instance where you have given the specific name to SQL server Installation after the default instance, you can create upto 49 named instances in SQL Server 2005.

    If already default instance is installed on to your system, remaining installations will become named instances.



  • Cost isn't necessarily an issue. If you install Standard edition (or workgroup) twice on a server, you need two licenses. You don't get unlimited licenses in 2005. You do in 2008.

    You also have to balance memory among the instances, which can be hard to get to run efficient.

  • True Steve,

    But I was talking about operating system license not SQL license. For e.g. in installing Windows Server 2003, for every installed copy of the server software requires purchase of windows server license.

    But good to know about SQL 2008 new license rule.Thanks

  • The named instance is the instance where you have given the specific name to SQL server Installation after the default instance, you can create upto 49 named instances in SQL Server 2005.

    If already default instance is installed on to your system, remaining installations will become named instances.

    I would also like to add that you dont need to have a 'default' instance with the same name as your server, you can give each of your SQL Server installs a name, starting with the first install.

    Unless you want to talk about what the symantics of the word 'default' means. If your in a enviroment where you commonly have multiple instances on one Server, naming all instances during your install process becomes very important in helping keeping this organized.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (5/22/2009)

    Cost isn't necessarily an issue. If you install Standard edition (or workgroup) twice on a server, you need two licenses. You don't get unlimited licenses in 2005. You do in 2008.

    You do get unlimited licenses for multi instance on the same machine if you have license type, server/CAL even for standard edition and work group.

    Quoting directly from Microsoft FAQ's for SQL Server 2005.

    Question: how does licensing work with the multi-instance feature in SQL Server 2005?

    In SQL Server 2005, you can now run multiple instances with the Workgroup, Standard, and Enterprise editions when they are licensed server/CAL or on a per-processor basis.


    ~ IM.

  • I created instances and I can connect to them locally,but I can connect remotly,any idea why?Thank you

  • How r u trying to connect to ur Sql instances? Through Management studio or through ur application?

    If its application, u need to have different port numbers for both the instances.

  • Krasavita (5/28/2009)

    I created instances and I can connect to them locally,but I can connect remotly

    Are you prefixing the named-instance properly?

    Connection string for named instances should look like HOST_NAME\INSTANCE_NAME

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • sayfrend,

    Thanks for the license update. That must be a change from previously.

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