Name of file to restore - Urgent please

  • Hi,

    I have a script to run to restore adb from a backup which has come from another server. I know where the file will be, but not what it is called. I have tried to do a bulk insert inot a temp table from a folder, but I can't get it to work.

    I need this to be in place urgently, and I wondered if anyone could give me the correct xp_cmdshell command to find this file? I know the first part of the filename, but as it will have a date/time on it, I don't know the exact name.

    Sorry if this is garbled, I am feeling the pressure of 101 tasks before go live (you have all been ther, I'm sure)

    Thanks in advance!!!

  • Xp_cmdshell 'dir' will get you started. You'll have to provide the path to the folder containing the file to see the file name, worst case start at 'dir c:', work your way down.


  • I have done something very similiar setting up a staging server. I know where the backups are but not what they are called.

    use xp_cmdshell 'dir c:\filename*.*'

    SET @sqlcmd='master..xp_cmdshell '+char(39)+'dir \\'+@primary_server+'\backup\*.bak /b'+char(39)

    insert into #files_to_restore

    exec (@sqlcmd)

    This inserts them into a temp table so that you can find them

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