Named instance on SQL Server 2005 Cluster

  • So I inherited a problem today. This development group created a SQL Server 2005 named instance cluster.

    Cluster instance = X00 ip = XX.XX.XXX.23

    Server1 Active = X01 ip = XX.XX.XXX.24

    Server2 Passive = X02 ip = XX.XX.XXX.25

    tcp/ip Enabled TCP port 1433

    Firewall in between cluster and clients only allowing UDP 1434 and tcp 1433

    So client server XX.XX.XXX.100 sends UDP 1434 request to cluster X00 using the instance name it then sends communication to X01 which then attempts to communicate to the client using a random port with is then blocked by the firewall. Each time an attempt is made a different random port is used and blocked.

    So why is the virtual server calling the active server then the active server uses a random port to reply? We will not open all of the ports so this will work.. Any ideas of what the issue might be. I have never used a named instance on a SQL Server cluster before and I have not had this problem. So is there a fix other then recreating the SQL Server without the named instance?


    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • The solution would be to change the port number for the named instance.

    Microsoft explains it here.

    You will only need to change the TCP port.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Found this article. IT explains the problem and solution.

    Thanks for your time.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

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