Named Transactions

  • Can someone tell me why this script doesn't work?

    CREATE TABLE #temp (test INT)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (1)


    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (2)


    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (3)

    ROLLBACK TRANSACTION t2 --this is the line that is changing

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    commit TRANSACTION t1

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

    But this script does work?

    CREATE TABLE #temp (test INT)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (1)


    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (2)


    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (3)

    commit TRANSACTION t2

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    commit TRANSACTION t1

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

  • You need to lookup SAVE TRANSACTION in BOL (Books Online) You need to create a TRANSACTION SAVE point in the nested transactions if you want to be able to rollback a transaction inside another one and still be able to commit the outer transaction.

  • Wow, thank you. I have yet to use nested transactions like this and thought I was going crazy.

  • So if you are doing nested transactions like this you don't need to have the inner "begin transaction" just a "save transaction" statement? I tested this and it works but I am trying to figure out if I am missing something by not using the "begin transaction"

    EDIT: I just changed my outer "begin transaction" to be a "save transaction" and it worked fine. So I guess my question is why would you use a "begin transaction" statement?

    Sorry I didn't check my @@trancount. I tried to close that window and apparently I had a few open transactions still.

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