Narrow down the recordset

  • Adam Haines (2/12/2008)

    Not quite, if the repromote is the currentlevel then don't display. The script works but it is still not suppressing the repromote is at the current level.

    --if the consultant has a repromote = the max PeriodEndDate

    --then don't display

    This is what the script is doing... I have tested this with test data and succesfully gotten the expected results. In the query I provided you, I am displaying all records that have a period date < the max period date. This would exclude repromote = max periodenddate.

    This script worked perfectly for the test data I have. What is it doing differently for you?

    I think I know what the problem is...if current level was a repromote, lets say three month have three rows and your script only exclude the last row but all three rows should be excluded...

    Now it's morning here in Sweden and I'm quite tired 🙂 but I think this will work...not the most elegant one but as a starting point...

    I'm not sure this is the fastest solution though...


    SELECT DISTINCT ConB.ConsultantID,





    FROM #C ConA

    INNER JOIN #C ConB ON ConA.ConsultantID = ConB.ConsultantID

    AND ConA.AchieveLevel = ConB.AchieveLevel

    AND ConA.PeriodEndDate < ConB.PeriodEndDate) as CON


    WHERE b.ConsultantID = CON.ConsultantID

    AND b.AchieveLevel < CON.AchieveLevel

    AND b.PeriodEndDate < CON.PeriodEndDate


    WHERE c.ConsultantID = CON.ConsultantID

    AND c.PeriodEndDate > b.PeriodEndDate

    AND c.PeriodEndDate < CON.PeriodEndDate))

    --if the consultant has a repromote < the max PeriodEndDate

    --then display; otherwise, exclude because his current position

    --is the repromote

    AND Con.Periodenddate <= (SELECT TOP 1 PeriodEndDate FROM (

    SELECT TOP 2 ConsultantID, AchieveLevel, Max(PeriodEndDate) AS PeriodEndDate

    FROM #C

    WHERE ConsultantID = Con.ConsultantID

    GROUP BY ConsultantID, AchieveLevel

    ORDER BY PeriodEndDate DESC) AS x

    ORDER BY PeriodEndDate ASC)

    ORDER BY PeriodEndDate

  • Please see attachment, it shows what the end product is doing which is a report services report. I am going to see if they can redeploy the report and see if that helps.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • You lost me. Are you saying that you do not want a consultant id to display any repromotes if the latest repromote is the current level?

    Additionally, what makes this even more confusing is the test consultant has current level of 3, according to the test data. Her ID should return all three records because neither 4 nor 5 is her current level, right.

  • I think I found the issue, it is not the repromote procedure its in the main proc (See bold). I think it needs to be changed because it is looking just for the 'X' in the repflag regardless of the Current AchieveLevel. THis is the proc that returns the recordset that populates the report I sent you in the last attachment.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [consultantreports].[uspS_ConsultantDownline]

    @ConsultantID AS nVarChar(20), @PeriodDate AS DateTime, @LineFilter as Varchar(50)



    Declare @MonthStartDt As DateTime

    DECLARE @MonthEndDt AS DateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterStartDt AS DateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterEndDt AS DateTime

    Declare @Year AS DateTime

    Declare @PeriodStartDt As DateTime

    Declare @PeriodEndDt as DateTime

    Declare @BumpupDate As Datetime

    DECLARE @SQLStr nVarchar(100)

    DECLARE @CurrMonthStartDt DateTime

    DECLARE @CurrMonthEndDt DateTime

    -- Breakdown @PeriodDate into Quarter and Months

    SET @QuarterStartDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, @periodDate), 0)

    Set @QuarterEndDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, -1, @PeriodDate), -1)

    SET @Year = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@PeriodStartDt), 0)

    SET @MonthStartDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @PeriodDate), 0)

    Set @MonthEndDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, -1, @PeriodDate), -1)

    SET @CurrMonthStartDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDate()), 0)

    Set @CurrMonthEndDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, -1, GetDate()), -1)

    SET @LineFilter = @LineFilter

    IF @MonthEndDt > GETDATE()


    SET @MonthEndDt = GETDATE()


    -- Declare the Downline Recursive Query

    With downline (ConsultantID,EffectiveDate, ConsultantName,SponsorID,SponsorName,DownLineLevel,

    ConsultantXId,SponsorXID,Active, DeactivationDate,BumpupDate,NACDate,CurrentLevelAchieveDate, CurrentLevelXID, StatusID)



    -- Anchor member defintion

    SELECT A.ConsultantID


    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,CAST(A.SponsorID AS Nvarchar(MAX))

    ,'' As SponsorName

    ,0 as DownLineLevel










    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine A with (nolock)

    WHERE A.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    AND @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate

    --AND A.StatusID NOT IN ('Inactive') -- 1 Record


    --Recursive member definition

    SELECT A.ConsultantID


    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,cast(A.SponsorID as nvarchar(MAX)) AS SponsorID

    ,'' AS SponsorName

    ,DownLineLevel + 1










    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine AS A with (nolock)


    A.SponsorID = B.ConsultantID

    WHERE @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate

    --AND A.StatusID NOT IN ('Inactive')

    ) -- Appropriate records

    -- Create the Temp table #Downline that returns the CTE results

    SELECT A.DownLineLevel



    ,UPPER(RTRIM(A.ConsultantName)) AS ConsultantName

    -- ,C.EmailAddress

    ,D.Title AS AchievedTitle












    INTO #Downline

    FROM DownLine AS A with (noLock)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimConsultantTitle AS D ON A.CurrentLevelXID = D.XID

    WHERE DownLineLevel <= 4

    GROUP BY A.ConsultantID






    -- ,C.BumpUpDate

    -- ,C.EmailAddress













    (SELECT DISTINCT RTRIM(ConsultantID) + '|'

    FROM #DownLine

    FOR XML PATH(''))

    CREATE TABLE #Temp (

    ConsultantID CHAR(20),

    AchieveLevel CHAR(2),

    AchieveTitle CHAR(50),

    PeriodEndDate DATETIME,

    RepFlag Varchar(2)




    EXEC [consultantreports].uspS_DownlineRepromotions2 @CONSULTANTIDS

    --Select * from #Temp

    Select 'OrigConsID' = @ConsultantID

    ,(Select ConsultantName FROM #Downline d

    WHERE D.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID) AS 'OrigConsName'








    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),D.CurrentLevelAchieveDate,101),'') AS AchieveDate

    ,ISNULL(Convert(Char(10),D.BumpupDate,101),'') as BumpupDate


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS QuarterToDate_total


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS MonthToDate_Total



    ,ISNULL((SELECT ISNULL(SUM(v.PartOneTotal),0) FROM uvw_DownlineOrder V

    INNER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimOrderType AS T ON

    V.OrderTypeXID = T.XID

    WHERE (T.OrderType NOT In ('Credit'))

    AND D.ConsultantID = V.ConsultantID

    AND V.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt),0) AS QuarterToDate_Volume

    ,ISNULL((SELECT ISNULL(SUM(v.PartOneTotal),0) FROM uvw_DownlineOrder V

    INNER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimOrderType AS T ON

    V.OrderTypeXID = T.XID

    WHERE (T.OrderType NOT In ('Credit'))

    AND D.ConsultantID = V.ConsultantID

    AND V.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt),0) AS MonthToDate_Volume


    ,ISNULL(r.RepFlag,' ') AS RepFlag

    ,'StatusID' = CASE

    WHEN StatusID ='Active' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'Home Office' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'New, Non Active Consultant' THEN ''

    ELSE StatusID


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10),D.NACDate,101) as AgreementDate

    ,'ShowFlag' = CASE

    WHEN @PeriodDate Between @CurrMonthStartDt AND @CurrMonthEndDt THEN 'X'

    ELSE ' '


    INTO #DLLevel from #Downline D with (nolock)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_DownlineOrder O ON D.ConsultantID = O.ConsultantID

    LEFT Outer JOIN #Temp r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID AND r.repflag = 'X'

    WHERE (D.Active = 1) OR (D.DeactivationDate BETWEEN @MonthStartDt AND @MonthEndDt)

    AND r.AchieveLevel >= 4

    GROUP BY D.ConsultantID ,D.Downlinelevel














    ORDER BY 2

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    -- ALL Level Filters

    IF @LineFilter = ('Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'0' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'4' )


    -- Only Line 1 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Only Line 1')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'1' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'1' )


    -- Only Line 2 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Only Line 2')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'2' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'2' )


    -- Only Line 3 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Only Line 3')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' )


    -- Only Line 3 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Only Line 3')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' )


    -- Lines 1 and 2 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Lines 1 and 2')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'1' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'2' )


    -- Lines 1, 2, and 3 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Lines 1, 2 and 3')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'1' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' )


    -- Lines 3 and 4 Filter

    IF @LineFilter = ('Lines 3 and 4')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLLevel WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'3' ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),'4' )


    -- Execute the string

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstr;

    -- Drop the temp table

    --Select * FROM #Downline

    --Select * FROM #DLLevel

    DROP TABLE #Downline


    DROP TABLE #Temp

    --TRUNCATE TABLE Repromotes

    --Select * from Repromotes

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • I really do not know enough about this main process to give a concise answer. I would start by looking at why are joining with a left outer join, is this necessary? You are saying give me everything from table d even though r (#temp) may or may not have a match.

    And what exactly does the 'X' mean for repflag. Are all the repflags 'X's?

  • yes, everything from table d needs to come across. Maybe I don't need the LeftOuter Join to the #temp table but it was what I thought would work because that the table with repromote data in it. The repflag column in the #Temp will always have an 'X'. It is there for the report.

    So I am thinking that somewhere in this code I need to check between the #Temp table and the table d to make sure that if there is a repromote in #Temp that if it is a CurrentLevel to suppress the 'X' in the Repflag column.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • alorenzini (2/13/2008)

    .... repromote in #Temp that if it is a CurrentLevel to suppress the 'X' in the Repflag column.

    Have you tried the code in my earlier post? Didn't it work?

  • Yes I tried that code and the works fantastically in the Repromote Proc. I think the issue lies in the fact that in the Main proc, its not joined properly or something to the #Temp table.Because it's displaying an 'X' as long as there is records being return by repromote proc.

    In the this specific case, the consultant is at Senior Consultant Level currently but because she has a couple repromote in the #Temp table its showing up as an 'X' even at the current level and it should not. Also the Senior Consultant is not even in the #Temp table.

    In the table d you will find a column called CurrentLEvelXID which is the consultants current level and I think that needs to be used in some relation with the #Temp table but I can't seem to quite get it.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Hmm, I'm not sure what you are doing in the main sproc but as I see it, you have to left join with more columns...

    LEFT Outer JOIN #Temp r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID

    AND d.AchievedLevel = r.AchievedLevel

    AND d.PeriodEndDate = r.PeriodEndDate

    ...or whatever the correct column name is 😉

  • Can we do something along these lines although my logic is not right but may be it will help clarify what I am after (See Bold):

    Select 'OrigConsID' = @ConsultantID

    ,(Select ConsultantName FROM #Downline d

    WHERE D.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID) AS 'OrigConsName'








    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),D.CurrentLevelAchieveDate,101),'') AS AchieveDate

    ,ISNULL(Convert(Char(10),D.BumpupDate,101),'') as BumpupDate


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS QuarterToDate_total


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS MonthToDate_Total



    ,ISNULL((SELECT ISNULL(SUM(v.PartOneTotal),0) FROM uvw_DownlineOrder V

    INNER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimOrderType AS T ON

    V.OrderTypeXID = T.XID

    WHERE (T.OrderType NOT In ('Credit'))

    AND D.ConsultantID = V.ConsultantID

    AND V.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt),0) AS QuarterToDate_Volume

    ,ISNULL((SELECT ISNULL(SUM(v.PartOneTotal),0) FROM uvw_DownlineOrder V

    INNER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimOrderType AS T ON

    V.OrderTypeXID = T.XID

    WHERE (T.OrderType NOT In ('Credit'))

    AND D.ConsultantID = V.ConsultantID

    AND V.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt),0) AS MonthToDate_Volume


    ,(Select RepFlag from #Temp WHere EXISTS (Select Repflag from #temp WHERE r.ConsultantID=d.consultantID) AND NOT EXIST (Select Repflag FROM #temp WHERE r.consultantID = d.ConsultantID AND d.CurrentLevelXID = r.AchieveLevel AND r.PeriodEndDate <> MAX(r.PeriodEndDate)) AS RepFlag

    ,'StatusID' = CASE

    WHEN StatusID ='Active' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'Home Office' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'New, Non Active Consultant' THEN ''

    ELSE StatusID


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10),D.NACDate,101) as AgreementDate

    ,'ShowFlag' = CASE

    WHEN @PeriodDate Between @CurrMonthStartDt AND @CurrMonthEndDt THEN 'X'

    ELSE ' '



    INTO #DLLevel from #Downline D with (nolock)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_DownlineOrder O ON D.ConsultantID = O.ConsultantID

    LEFT Outer JOIN #Temp r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID WHERE (D.Active = 1) OR (D.DeactivationDate BETWEEN @MonthStartDt AND @MonthEndDt)

    AND d.CurrentLevelXID >= 4

    GROUP BY D.ConsultantID ,D.Downlinelevel
















    ORDER BY 2

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Another though maybe this is a place for some sort of CASE statement like:

    CASE Repflag =

    WHEN RepFlag = (Select Repflag From #Temp WHere r.ConsultantID = d.COnsultantID ) THEN 'x'

    WHEN repFlag =(Select Repflag From #Temp WHere r.ConsultantID = d.COnsultantID AND d.CurrentLevelXID = r.AchieveLevel AND r.PeriodEndDate <> MAX(r.PeriodENdDate ) THEN ' '


    ' '

    or something along those lines.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Now I'm lost 😉

    if you implemented this...

    AND Con.Periodenddate <= (SELECT TOP 1 PeriodEndDate FROM

    (SELECT TOP 2 ConsultantID, AchieveLevel,

    Max(PeriodEndDate) AS PeriodEndDate

    FROM #C

    WHERE ConsultantID = Con.ConsultantID

    GROUP BY ConsultantID, AchieveLevel

    ORDER BY PeriodEndDate DESC) AS x

    ORDER BY PeriodEndDate ASC) should not have any repromotions at the current consultant level...

  • A case statement is more along the lines of what I was thinking. I was thinking something like this.


    WHEN d.CurrentLevelXID = r.AchieveLevel AND

    r.PeriodEndDate < (SELECT MAX(a.PeriodEndDate)

    FROM #temp a

    WHERE a.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID) THEN




    END AS [RepFlag]

  • Johnnie,

    The stored procedure we helped him with is returning the correct results however he has extended it to work inside his main process. The main process is not marking the correct repflags becuase of the way it was implemented. He is now trying to adjust the main procedure to accomodate the results of our stored procedure.

  • Please correct me, if I have it wrong.

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