need a group by that concatenates data

  • I need to do a group by that results in one row per patient but concatenates data rather than summarises it.

    Check_type table is a reference table that holds 200 entries 15 of which will be checktype group 25 cardiac diagnosis.

    SPell_Check holds 10-15 thousand rows of cardiac patient data of which a small subset is diagnosis.

    Given small sample data below I need some SQL which could be used to produce a temporary table which concatenates the diagnosis also shown below is how the report will look.

    Many thanks.

    Check_type table - sintCheckTypeGroup = 25 holds all the various individual cardiac diagnosis

    sintCheckType vchrDesc CheckTypeGroup

    2501 Angina 25

    2502 Heart Failure 25

    2503 PTCA/Stent 25

    SPell_Check table all the cardiac diagnosis for a patient for each phase of care during a cardiac spell.

    vchrPatientNo sintCheckType sintPhase

    Patient A 2501 1

    Patient A 2502 1

    Patient A 2503 1

    Patient B 2501 1

    Patient C 2501 2

    Patient E 2502 1

    Patient F 2502 1

    Patient F 2503 1


    vchrDiagnosis vchrPatientNo sintPhase

    Angina Patient B 1

    Angina Patient C 2

    Heart Failure Patient E 1

    Angina ,Heart Failure Patient F 1

    Angina,Heart Failure , PTCA/Stent Patient A 1

    Report would read:

    Angina ………other data from other tables

    Patient B Patient C

    Heart Failure

    Patient E

    Angina & Heart Failure

    Patient F

    Angina & Heart Failure & PTCA/Stent

    Patient A

  • You might try seomthing like this:

    /* User Defined Function to concatentate data */

    create function [dbo].[fn_ListOfConditions] (@patientid varchar(25) )

    returns varchar(255) as


    declare @string varchar(255)

    set @string = ''

    select @string = @string + vchrDesc + ''

    from SPell_Check a, Check_Type b

    where a.vchrPatientNo = @patientid

    and a.sintCheckType = b.sintCheckType

    return (@string)


    /* Get list of patients with conditions */

    select distinct vchrPatientNo , dbo.fn_ListOfConditions(vchrPatientNo)

    from SPell_Check

    where .....

    You might want to put the results into a temporary table so that you can then do another concatentation function on the temp table to format the output as you required.

    Hope this helps.


    PS I haven't checked the syntax but I trust you can fix any errors. Also, I'm not sure about performance - it depends on so many factors that this approach might not be suitable for you. The only way to find out is to try it and see.

  • Hi Linehand!

    Wow, at the first glance of your question it looked quite simple to come up with a sulotion for you. But after creating your sampletables and reading the question word by word I understand that you got into problems.

    I don't like the sulotion that I have come up with, but I can't find a way to get around multiple cursors. I can accept a cursor, but having one cursor creating another cursor... that's another issue.

    What I do below is:

    Cursor 1. Get unique vchrPatientNo from SPell_Check

    Cursor 2. Get all vchrDesc for this vchrPatientNo


    DECLARE @vchrPatientNo VARCHAR(25),
    @sintPhase INT,
    @tempDiagnosis VARCHAR(1000),
    @vchrDiagnosis VARCHAR(1000)

    -- Create the output table
    CREATE TABLE #TempTable (
    vchrDiagnosis VARCHAR(1000),
    vchrPatientNo VARCHAR(25),
    sintPhase INT )

    -- Declare the cursor for holding unique vchrPatientNo
    DECLARE c_patient CURSOR FOR
    FROM SPell_Check
    OPEN c_patient
    FETCH NEXT FROM c_patient INTO @vchrPatientNo, @sintPhase

    -- Irritrate all the vchrPatientNo
    -- Reset an temporary variable
    SELECT @vchrDiagnosis = ''

    -- Declare a cursor to hold all the vchrDesc for this vchrPatientNo
    DECLARE c_diagnosis CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ct.vchrDesc
    FROM Check_type ct
    INNER JOIN SPell_Check sc ON ct.sintCheckType = sc.sintCheckType
    WHERE sc.vchrPatientNo = @vchrPatientNo
    OPEN c_diagnosis

    -- Irritrate all the vchrDesc
    FETCH NEXT FROM c_diagnosis INTO @tempDiagnosis
    -- If its the first just add this vchrDesc to the temporary variable
    IF ( DATALENGTH(@vchrDiagnosis) = 0 )
    SELECT @vchrDiagnosis = @tempDiagnosis
    -- else add a comma-sign in front for delimeter
    SELECT @vchrDiagnosis = @vchrDiagnosis + ', ' + @tempDiagnosis

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_diagnosis INTO @tempDiagnosis
    -- Close and drop the innermost cursor since
    -- it will be created again in the next loop
    CLOSE c_diagnosis
    DEALLOCATE c_diagnosis

    -- Insert the row into the output table for this vchrPatientNo
    INSERT INTO #TempTable (
    sintPhase )
    VALUES (
    @sintPhase )

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_patient INTO @vchrPatientNo, @sintPhase

    -- Close and drop the outer cursor
    CLOSE c_patient
    DEALLOCATE c_patient

    -- Return the result
    SELECT vchrDiagnosis,
    FROM #TempTable


    This will result in:

    vchrDiagnosis vchrPatientNo sintPhase
    ===================================== ============= =========
    Angina Patient B 1
    Angina Patient C 2
    Angina, Heart Failure, PTCA/Stent Patient A 1
    Heart Failure Patient E 1
    Heart Failure, PTCA/Stent Patient F 1

    Best of luck,


    ___the truth is out there___

    ___the truth is out there___

  • Thanks Jermey I can sort out any syntax I just could find a way to approach the problem

  • Thanks Robbac for your effort. It was very much appreciated. Jeremy's solution worked but I've learnt from both of you

    thank-you both very very much

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