Need Help

  • Hi,

    I have a table like below -

    Create table #table(ID int,Name varchar(10),Date datetime,Value int, Status varchar(5))

    Insert into #table (ID,Name,Date,Value,Status) Select 1,'Display1','2010-01-01',2000,'OK'

    UNION SELECT 1,'Display1','2010-01-01',1000,'BAD'

    UNION SELECT 2,'Display2','2010-01-01',4000,'OK'

    Select * from #table

    ID Name Date Value Status

    1 Display1 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 1000 BAD

    1 Display1 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 2000 OK

    2 Display2 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 4000 OK

    In this I want to calculate Success percentage from value column of each Name for latest date

    for e.g. if there are two instances of Display1 for the same date with one Status as OK(2000) and another as BAD(1000), then it should give me Success percentage as

    2000/(2000+1000) * 100 = 66.67 i.e. Value of OK / Total Value of Display1 * 100

    For Display2, Since I have only one row with Status OK, so It should be shown as SuccessRate 100

    else if it would have been only BAD then it should be 0.

    So the expected output should be like -

    ID Name Date SuccessRate

    1 Display1 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 66.67

    1 Display2 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 100

    Does anybody knows how to achieve this? I tried at my end but no luck..:crazy:


  • C'mon Joe. Not only is the table an obvious example instead of true DDL (there is no way someone could use THAT many reserved keywords at once... just... no...), you skipped the question, which is to take a row valued weighted average, not just a rowcounted one (What, you're going to put 2000 entries into the table with 'OK'?). It's not that uncommon.

    You need to subquery. Your first challenge is to get your totals on Name, then by Bad or OK status.

    So, start with this:





    SUM( [Value]) AS TotValue,

    SUM( CASE [Status] WHEN 'OK' THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END) AS TotalOK,

    SUM( CASE [Status] WHEN 'BAD' THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END) AS TotalBad







    From there, your calculations become MUCH easier.

    Now you just need to wrap that in a results query:

    ;WITH cte AS






    SUM( [Value]) AS TotValue,

    SUM( CASE [Status] WHEN 'OK' THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END) AS TotalOK,

    SUM( CASE [Status] WHEN 'BAD' THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END) AS TotalBad --Included just as a doublecheck, not really needed









    ID, [Name], [Date],

    CAST( (Convert( decimal ( 18, 2), TotalOK) / Convert( decimal ( 18, 2), TotValue))*100 AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS SuccessRate



    - Craig Farrell

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks a lot Craig... it served the purpose....

    I just missed to make column of totals which I was calculating on the run... 😛


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