Need help and conversation topic: max worker threads / user connections / activity monitor

  • Howdy all,

    Need a little help in making the connection, in my mind, regarding the following: SQLServer:General User Connections (from perfmon), activity monitor items (from management studio 2005), and the Maximum worker threads (under Processors in server properties.

    First this is what I'm looking at on a 64 bit 2003 WinServer/64 bit 2005 SQL Server with 2 Dual core processors and 8GB of RAM.  User Connections = 12658, Activity Monitor = 255 of 275 items displayed, Maximum worker threads = 500 (not changed by me).

    1) Maximum worker threads:  I've read in an article that has since been shown to be wrong that this setting should be set to > than User Connections.  Doing this would of course have a negative impact on this server.  So I've not changed this setting manually letting SQL Server do the job for me.

    2) Activity monitor items: Why is it not displaying all items?  As shown above it was showing 255 of 275 items and later showed 269 of 290 items.  I would expect that the number of items here would most likely (maybe better wording is "WILL") always be less than the Maximum worker threads.

    3) User Connections: I do not yet understand how this number can be high!  Even if you divide the number of user connections (12658) by the number of items (275) you get an avg of 46 connections.  Can someone give me a good explanation of what this really represents.  I having a hard time believing I really have that many connections on this server.

    Thanks for any feedback on this.  Seems like a good thing for everyone to understand when trying to troubleshoot performance problems.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Can anyone tell me is the connections varriable in perf mon is really the number of open connections to that server?  Seems a little unrealistic.  If it is correct then how can I tell where the connections are coming from?  There would have to be a prooly written app with so few users hitting that box.



  • So far this is all I've found so it makes me think there may be more bugs causing the same thing.  The counter is up to 17,788 now.

    BUG with service broker

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