• Hello.....a DTS newbie here.

    I had successfully imported an XCEL spreadsheet into an empty table via DTS......updated a column using a simple query....and now want to send this table back to the server folder as an XCEL spreadsheet

    I would like to overlay the original spreadsheet.

    I must be blind, but I dont see any tasks in DTS that will accomplish this for me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • What do you mean by overlay? Do you mean overwrite the original spreadsheet?

  • Yes, overwrite the original.  Or just create a new spreadsheet. 

  • Use a Transform Data task with your SQL Server table as the source and the Excel as the destination.  So, your DTS package will have a SQL Server connection, an Excel connection, and a Transform data task.



  • The easiest way to construct this package is the Enterprise Manager->All Tasks->Export Data Wizard. Select SQL as the source and Excel as the destination. ON the "Select Source Tables and Views" page select the view or table, name the output tab on the spreadsheet (Destination column) and click the "Transform" button. On the Column Mappings and Transformations page make sure "Drop and Recreate Destination Table" is checked. Click OK to save the transformations and next to go to the final page in the Wizard.

    Make sure you save the package here. Check "Save DTS Package" and specify the server and Package name.

    The first time you run the package the "drop" step will fail but the package will succeed. After that it will run like clockwork.


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