Need Help for SQL Jobs in sql Azure

  • Hello All,

    I am working on migrating our application on windows Azure, I have migrated our database on sql azure. but for one functionality I am facing issues with. in our application we create a sql jobs through the stored procedure by running the code like

    EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=@Name,


    @notify_level_eventlog=2, -- This will delete the Job on Success. 0 null, 1 success, 2 fail, 3 always




    @delete_level=1, -- This will delete the Job on Success. 0 null, 1 success, 2 fail, 3 always

    @description=N'Bulk Update price for the User',

    @category_name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]',

    @owner_login_name=N'SA', @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT

    Can you please help me to work with SQL Azure. Basically we are looking for solution where we can create the sql jobs through the sql script only like stored procedures.

    Thank you for your help


  • hi there,

    i just found out there is no sql agent in sql azure.

    so to run scheduled sql code in sql azure, you need a windows azure worker role.

    this link


    talks about sql azure backup automation and scheduling

    this links is different


    it talks about a wizard to scheduled jobs in sql azure, but i dont know if it is open source or not.

    up to a point i rounded this in a google search like this:

    windows azure worker role scheduled jobs "sql azure"

    you can use dotnet code to scheduled sql jobs in sql azure, but it looks like at some point you windows azure worker role.

    it sounds really interesting to work on...

    good luck,

    tonci korsano.

  • Thank you tonci korsano for your reply.

  • Can we setup a VM with sql management studio and execute an SQL job on azure database instead of worker role ?

    I found this interesting article where we can use mobile services to setup an SQL job.

    However the pricing is unclear to me. On the mobile services pricing page it allows selection of the database size. I guess the charge is only for the database in use and not for the mobile service per se which is great. Am I correct ?

  • you are welcome, and besides sql azure topics are always interesting.

    best regards,

    tonci korsano

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