need help on design of database for student registration system

  • This is what i have come up with so far. please review it and give necessary input.thanks,.

  • this is what i have come up with so far. please review it and suggest necessary changes.

  • hlsc1983 (1/15/2014)

    This is what i have come up with so far. please review it and give necessary input.thanks,.

    That looks pretty decent. I would suggest that you shouldn't store the number of student for a given institute. Generally speaking storing calculated values like this will come back to bite you. It makes maintenance of data very difficult and fraught with errors. I would two alternatives here. One is to simply calculate that value when you need it. Depending on the frequency of requiring that information that may be sufficient. The other alternative would be to use a computed column. You would need to create a function to return the count of students for a given institute. Then you set the value of the computed column using that function.

    If it were my design I would just remove the stored value because generally a simple count like that should be lightning fast with some indexing.

    If you do keep it, it shouldn't allow NULL. There is always a known value for the number of students. If there are no students the value is 0. 😀


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  • I agree on the number of students. Also, what's the difference between student_pk and student_id? Seems like one or the other isn't needed unless the ID is some sort of alternate key generated by app code or something.

    Also, a student can only be associated with a single department? I'm asking, I don't know something else.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • thanks.. i never expected the problems it might create in the future.

  • Grant Fritchey (1/15/2014)

    I agree on the number of students. Also, what's the difference between student_pk and student_id? Seems like one or the other isn't needed unless the ID is some sort of alternate key generated by app code or something.

    Also, a student can only be associated with a single department? I'm asking, I don't know something else.

    'student_id ' refers to the registration id allotted by the office. May be i should have named it 'student_registrationID' in order to make it easier to understand.

    And yes, a student can belong to only one department.that is why the 1 to n relationship.

  • hlsc1983 (1/15/2014)

    Grant Fritchey (1/15/2014)

    I agree on the number of students. Also, what's the difference between student_pk and student_id? Seems like one or the other isn't needed unless the ID is some sort of alternate key generated by app code or something.

    Also, a student can only be associated with a single department? I'm asking, I don't know something else.

    'student_id ' refers to the registration id allotted by the office. May be i should have named it 'student_registrationID' in order to make it easier to understand.

    And yes, a student can belong to only one department.that is why the 1 to n relationship.

    If those numbers are unique couldn't you just use that as your primary key? This would be the natural key that Grant was discussing earlier. 😉


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  • Sean Lange (1/15/2014)

    hlsc1983 (1/15/2014)

    Grant Fritchey (1/15/2014)

    I agree on the number of students. Also, what's the difference between student_pk and student_id? Seems like one or the other isn't needed unless the ID is some sort of alternate key generated by app code or something.

    Also, a student can only be associated with a single department? I'm asking, I don't know something else.

    'student_id ' refers to the registration id allotted by the office. May be i should have named it 'student_registrationID' in order to make it easier to understand.

    And yes, a student can belong to only one department.that is why the 1 to n relationship.

    If those numbers are unique couldn't you just use that as your primary key? This would be the natural key that Grant was discussing earlier. 😉

    thanks for the insight on natural primary keys. you do have a point. since i am developing this for a college, i am not sure if they re-allot registration id to their students. if yes i will need both the attributes. If no, i will need only one and can have the option of deleting 'student_id'.thanks

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]

    I am NOT saying or implying that this o.p. falls into the category I am describing below (he clearly does not because he was asking for guidance on how to start and not a full T-SQL solution) and I would be glad to help in this case.

    The were OTHER cases where the question was blatantly a word-for-word copy of a homework question (not even an attempt to rephrase it) and just looked like an expectation of complete implementation of the answer (without even a first rudimentary cut at defining tables, let alone trying a T-SQL statement), I do not feel it is any bad behaviour on the part of the members of the forum to dismiss the question as an outright attempt to get grades without making the slightest effort. Such does constitute abuse of the good will of the forum members and should be firmly 'encouraged' away from the forums.

    Not to be confused with some outrageous responses given to obvious beginners from experts belittling the person asking a question. We have had (thankfully) only RARE cases and those indeed would poison the forum if such flaming became widespread.[/font]

  • i have a query regarding my database design. The snapshot of my database was posted in my earlier post.

    In my database i wanted to include a table called 'Subjects' to store subject name and subject id.

    There are multiple subjects and some departments belonging to same or different institutes share the same subject.

    Now in theory there is a many to many relationship between 'Subjects' and 'Students'

    Another many to many between 'Subjects' and "Departments'

    And one more between 'Institutes' and 'Subjects'


    Now my question is it necessary to create all three relationships ? or should i create only one?

    Please remember that this is my first database.

    If the answer 'depends 'on the scenario ,could you please tell me the possible scenarios.

  • hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    i have a query regarding my database design. The snapshot of my database was posted in my earlier post.

    In my database i wanted to include a table called 'Subjects' to store subject name and subject id.

    There are multiple subjects and some departments belonging to same or different institutes share the same subject.

    Now in theory there is a many to many relationship between 'Subjects' and 'Students'

    Another many to many between 'Subjects' and "Departments'

    And one more between 'Institutes' and 'Subjects'


    Now my question is it necessary to create all three relationships ? or should i create only one?

    Please remember that this is my first database.

    If the answer 'depends 'on the scenario ,could you please tell me the possible scenarios.

    For these many to many relationships you will need to create a bridge table that contains nothing but a foreign key reference to each of the main tables, and maybe some auditing columns.

    So you would end up with three new tables like StudentSubjects, DepartmentSubjects, InstituteSubjects. Does that make sense?


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  • Sean Lange (3/5/2014)

    hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    i have a query regarding my database design. The snapshot of my database was posted in my earlier post.

    In my database i wanted to include a table called 'Subjects' to store subject name and subject id.

    There are multiple subjects and some departments belonging to same or different institutes share the same subject.

    Now in theory there is a many to many relationship between 'Subjects' and 'Students'

    Another many to many between 'Subjects' and "Departments'

    And one more between 'Institutes' and 'Subjects'


    Now my question is it necessary to create all three relationships ? or should i create only one?

    Please remember that this is my first database.

    If the answer 'depends 'on the scenario ,could you please tell me the possible scenarios.

    For these many to many relationships you will need to create a bridge table that contains nothing but a foreign key reference to each of the main tables, and maybe some auditing columns.

    So you would end up with three new tables like StudentSubjects, DepartmentSubjects, InstituteSubjects. Does that make sense?

    thanks for reply.. but it doesn't answer my query. I am already aware of junction tables. may be my question wasn't clear enough. let me try again.

    what I need to know is whether it is necessary to create relationships for every possibility. will having multiple relationships hamper the front end. ? in my case front end is designed using

    for example if a create a many to many between Students and Subjects , is it necessary to create a relationship between Institutes and Subjects. ?

  • hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    Sean Lange (3/5/2014)

    hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    i have a query regarding my database design. The snapshot of my database was posted in my earlier post.

    In my database i wanted to include a table called 'Subjects' to store subject name and subject id.

    There are multiple subjects and some departments belonging to same or different institutes share the same subject.

    Now in theory there is a many to many relationship between 'Subjects' and 'Students'

    Another many to many between 'Subjects' and "Departments'

    And one more between 'Institutes' and 'Subjects'


    Now my question is it necessary to create all three relationships ? or should i create only one?

    Please remember that this is my first database.

    If the answer 'depends 'on the scenario ,could you please tell me the possible scenarios.

    For these many to many relationships you will need to create a bridge table that contains nothing but a foreign key reference to each of the main tables, and maybe some auditing columns.

    So you would end up with three new tables like StudentSubjects, DepartmentSubjects, InstituteSubjects. Does that make sense?

    thanks for reply.. but it doesn't answer my query. I am already aware of junction tables. may be my question wasn't clear enough. let me try again.

    what I need to know is whether it is necessary to create relationships for every possibility. will having multiple relationships hamper the front end. ? in my case front end is designed using

    for example if a create a many to many between Students and Subjects , is it necessary to create a relationship between Institutes and Subjects. ?

    Not quite sure what you mean. You have a relationship between Students and Subjects. You also have a relationship between Institutes and Subjects.


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  • hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    Sean Lange (3/5/2014)

    hlsc1983 (3/5/2014)

    i have a query regarding my database design. The snapshot of my database was posted in my earlier post.

    In my database i wanted to include a table called 'Subjects' to store subject name and subject id.

    There are multiple subjects and some departments belonging to same or different institutes share the same subject.

    Now in theory there is a many to many relationship between 'Subjects' and 'Students'

    Another many to many between 'Subjects' and "Departments'

    And one more between 'Institutes' and 'Subjects'


    Now my question is it necessary to create all three relationships ? or should i create only one?

    Please remember that this is my first database.

    If the answer 'depends 'on the scenario ,could you please tell me the possible scenarios.

    For these many to many relationships you will need to create a bridge table that contains nothing but a foreign key reference to each of the main tables, and maybe some auditing columns.

    So you would end up with three new tables like StudentSubjects, DepartmentSubjects, InstituteSubjects. Does that make sense?

    thanks for reply.. but it doesn't answer my query. I am already aware of junction tables. may be my question wasn't clear enough. let me try again.

    what I need to know is whether it is necessary to create relationships for every possibility. will having multiple relationships hamper the front end. ? in my case front end is designed using

    for example if a create a many to many between Students and Subjects , is it necessary to create a relationship between Institutes and Subjects. ?

    That's tough to answer without more understanding of the requirements. In fact, it's likely that a "Subject" is unique from one Institution to the next, implying that there's a one (Institution) to many (Subject) relationship there. Although, one could also argue that a given Subject is common across Institutions, then, you would need to create an interim table to relate them. And that would be independent of the student record, although, you would need to validate that a given student is associated with a given institution and that a given institution has a given subject before you can associate a student to that subject.

    Data is fun.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • thanks again...i think its a very open ended question. I think I will continue with the front end in and as and when the need arises I will make necessary modifications to my database. I wonder if its the right approach....

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