Need help on SQL Mail Setup

  • Hi,


    I am in the process of proposing and setting up SQL Mail & SQL Server Agent Mail for SQL boxes (prod and dev) in company. I have hit some hurdles (from system and network people) and need kind hearted people to point me to the right direction.


    1. SQL Server & SQL Server service startup account is a domain user account with minimum right granted (SQL program installation folder & Data, Log, Backup,..etc folder) and is NOT member of Local Administrator group. Will that be a problem in running SQL Mail & SQL Server Agent Mail?


    1.  My company is using Lotus Notes and Domino Server. Based on this KB.


    Q5: ”While it may be possible to configure Microsoft Outlook client to work with third-party mail servers, the use of the e-mail clients provided with those mail servers is not supported for use with SQL Mail.


    ·        Does that mean I can’t install Notes client on the SQL box?


    ·        Is it that true I should be able to use Outlook as mail client and Domino mail server for sending email out from SQL Server? How true is this kind of combination (mail client and mail server from diff vendor) will work? Anyone has done that before pls share.


    1. If the SQL box and domino server are in diff segment of network or in diff domain and the domains are non-trusted and block by firewall, does that mean the SQL box won’t be able to communicate with mail server thus SQL Mail will not work? (I am not a network guy, I am a humble DBA)


    1. Most of the SQL boxes are serving web app and running OS clustering. It is true that SQL Mail is not supported in cluster environment as stated in this KB.;en-us;298723
  • Hi Garrick,

    First off I can answer point 1 from personal experience the rest I can only surmise (I'm not a Domino kind of DBA/Network specialist):

    1. If the domain user account is used to startup SQL server you shouldn't hit any hurdles running SQL mail and Agent with the same user.  Preferrably use a power user...
    2. You can install Notes on the SQL box but your user rights might have an impact this too.  Rather configure outlook to connect to Domino.  Your other option is to use an ASP email plugin, which I successfully implemented with help from a developer colleague.  If you're stuck this could be an option.
    3. Your SQL and Domino boxes should still be able to have comms provided you unblock the ports on your firewall and you use the correct username and password  to connect to your domino box.  You need to test your account in the mapi setup in control panel.
    4. You best option is to use an isolated SQL box.


    Michael Gilchrist
    Database Specialist
    There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't. 😀

  • Michael,

    Thanks for the advice.

    1. That's exactly my concern. The domain user is merely a normal user account in the SQL box with minimum rights. Security people refused to grant higher rights unless it is proved that it need more than that. Does the user account really need power user or administrator?

    2. Does the domino server need to install as Internet Mail Server if Outlook client is installed?

    "Your other option is to use an ASP email plugin, which I successfully implemented with help from a developer colleague.  If you're stuck this could be an option."

    Dont really understand what do you mean?



  • Instead of setting up Outlook or Notes client, install xp_smtp_sendmail from This DLL just needs a simple smtp mailserver address to handle emailing from SQL Server.

    A big benefit is that you will have less headaches trying to configure the mail clients and keeping them working. When using Outlook with Exchange, SQL Mail has a habit of getting stuck when the Exchange Server is restarted. This often needs the SQL services to be restarted to re-establish the connectivity, sometimes you might even need to reboot the server.

    Also, if the account used for SQL Agent is not in the Local Adminstrators group, then I think there are a few extra privelages that need to be granted to get full functionality. From memory you should be able to find a document on this at the Microsoft website.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Also should add,

    Q: Is XPSMTP supported on a cluster?

    A: Yes, you only need to make sure that the binary (xpsmtpXX.dll) is available in the BINN directory of every instance for each node.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Also, check point 6 of the following article for permissions,


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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