Need help - Sql server loses connectivity

  • Hello,

    We have a problem with one of our SQL Server 2000 servers.  Server1 At first glance appears to be running without a problem, you can access it or other servers without a problem, however at random times throughout the day the machine will lose connectivity with other SQL Server 2000 servers throughout our domain.  Server1 is still able to ping other servers, browse to them via explorer, even copy files to the other servers, however SQL Server itself can no longer connect to the other boxes.  The problem can be "quick fixed" by simply rebooting Server1, however I would really like to actually fix the problem instead of using a bandaid so to speak.  There are no errors in the event logs before or after the connectivity problem begins.  Sometimes Server1 will be up for a couple days before the problem occurs, sometimes only 30 minutes.  They symptoms are always the same however (all other forms of connectivity function normally except for SQL Server itself).

    Any idea why this is occurring?


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  • There are no errors in the SQL Server log?

    Is Server1 sql server still reachable when it can't communicate with the other sql server?

    Fully patched (windows + sql server)?

    Ram tested?

  • Server1 can connect to itself after the error occurs, but it cannot connect to other servers when it happens.

    All updates installed on Server 2003 sp1, SQL 2000 SP3A. 

    Did a thorough ram test and no errors were detected.

    It seems that the problem is other servers cannot access the box when whatever error occurs.  They can ping it, explore to it, but you cannot connect to the machine via enterprise manager and it seems that RDP is affected as well (which is something we just found out this morning).  Ive checked our firewall logs and nothing is getting blocked.

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