need help to build update statement with 2 conditions

  • I have schema and data as below,

    declare @tApplyProgram table (myID varchar(50), programID varchar(10), stTR char(1) null)

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','184');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('4474','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('8890','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2980','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2500','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','180');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','180');


    @tApplyProgram keep applicant and their programID

    myID and programID is unique


    declare @tResult table (myID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50), merit tinyint)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','01', 19)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','02', 12)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','03', 11)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','03', 18)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','04', 19)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','05', 17)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','06', 11)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','01', 13)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','02', 15)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','03', 18)

    insert into @tResult values('2980','01', 14)

    insert into @tResult values('2980','02', 15)


    @tResult keep their applicant's result

    myID and subjectCd is unique


    declare @tRulesD table (programID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50), merit tinyint)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','03', 12)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','04', 9)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','05', 14)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','01', 10)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','02', 12)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','03', 11)

    insert into @tRulesD values('180','03', 12)


    @tRulesD keep programID rules and regulation

    programID and subjectCd is unique


    I need to Update @tApplyProgram set stTR=1

    - if @tResult(subjectCd) is match / exceed in @tRulesD(subjectCd)

    - AND @tResult(merit) >= @tRulesD(merit)

    Else set stTR=0

    expected results as follows,

    myID | programID | stTR


    1925 184 1 /*1925 have rows in @tResult, and 184 is match in @tRulesD. And, all merit > = @tRulesD(merit)*/

    4474 172 1 /*4474 have rows in @tResult, and 172 is exceed in @tRulesD. And, all merit > = @tRulesD(merit) */

    5578 172 0 /*5578 have rows in @tResult, and 172 is not match in @tRulesD ~ only subject cd=03 is match*/

    2980 172 0 /*2980 have rows in @tResult, and 172 is not match in @tRulesD ~ none of subject cd is match*/

    1925 180 0 /*1925 have rows in @tResult, and 180 is exceed in @tRulesD. But, all merit not > = @tRulesD(merit) ~ 11 not > = 12*/

    5578 180 1 /*5578 have rows in @tResult, and 180 is exceed in @tRulesD. And, all merit > = @tRulesD(merit) ~ 18 > = 12*/

    So far, my update statement as follow,

    update @tApplyProgram

    set stTR =



    case when max (case when u.subjectcd is null then 1 else 0 end)

    + max (case when r.subjectcd is null then 1 else 0 end)

    = 0

    then 1

    else case when count (u.subjectcd) > 0

    and count (r.subjectcd) > 0

    then 0

    else null



    from (select * from @tResult r where r.myid = [@tApplyProgram].myid) r

    full outer join

    (select * from @tRulesD u where u.ProgramID = [@tApplyProgram].programid) u

    on r.subjectCd = u.subjectCd


    I appeal for help from experts. I'm really stuck

  • If I understand what you require :

    1) work out the number of passes (rules merit <= results merit)

    2) work out the number of results possible

    3) for each row in the applyprogram whether the passes exceeds the results, if so then 1 else 0

    declare @tApplyProgram table (myID varchar(50), programID varchar(10), stTR char(1) null)

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','184');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('4474','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('8890','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2980','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('2500','172');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('1925','180');

    insert into @tApplyProgram(myID,programID) values('5578','180');


    @tApplyProgram keep applicant and their programID

    myID and programID is unique


    declare @tResult table (myID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50), merit tinyint)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','01', 19)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','02', 12)

    insert into @tResult values('1925','03', 11)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','03', 18)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','04', 19)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','05', 17)

    insert into @tResult values('4474','06', 11)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','01', 13)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','02', 15)

    insert into @tResult values('5578','03', 18)

    insert into @tResult values('2980','01', 14)

    insert into @tResult values('2980','02', 15)


    @tResult keep their applicant's result

    myID and subjectCd is unique


    declare @tRulesD table (programID varchar(50), subjectCd varchar(50), merit tinyint)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','03', 12)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','04', 9)

    insert into @tRulesD values('172','05', 14)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','01', 10)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','02', 12)

    insert into @tRulesD values('184','03', 11)

    insert into @tRulesD values('180','03', 12)


    @tRulesD keep programID rules and regulation

    programID and subjectCd is unique


    update A

    set stTR = isnull(Passed,0) -- update and set 0 if not matched at all

    from @tApplyProgram AS A

    left join


    -- calculate where count passes > required passes

    select A1.myID, A1.programID,

    case when CountOfPasses >= CountOfRequiredPasses then 1 else 0 end as Passed



    select A.*, B.CountOfRequiredPasses from


    -- find number of passed gained by myID per program

    select A.MyID, A.programID ,count(RU.Merit) as CountOfPasses

    from @tApplyProgram as A

    inner join @tRulesD as RU

    on A.programID = RU.programID

    inner join @tResult as RE

    on RE.subjectCd = RU.subjectCd

    and RE.myID = A.myID

    where RU.merit <= RE.merit

    group by A.MyID, A.programID

    ) as A

    inner join


    -- find number of passed required in each program

    select RU.programid ,count(RU.Merit) as CountOfRequiredPasses

    from @tRulesD as RU

    group by RU.programID

    ) as B

    on A.programID = B.programID

    ) as A1

    ) as C

    on A.myID = C.myID and A.programID = C.programID

    select * from @tApplyProgram


  • Sir,

    It's work. Your guidance is an inspiration for me

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