Need help to convert No of Month in integer into How many year and how many month

  • This is my table and data

    CVID | WorkExperience


    28387 36

    68181 101

    96568 122

    113548 4

    I need to convert into this result

    CVID | WorkExperience


    28387 3 years

    68181 8 years 5 months

    96568 12 years 2 months

    113548 4 months

    Need help

  • Qira (9/10/2014)

    This is my table and data

    CVID | WorkExperience


    28387 36

    68181 101

    96568 122

    113548 4

    I need to convert into this result

    CVID | WorkExperience


    28387 3 years

    68181 8 years 5 months

    96568 12 years 2 months

    113548 4 months

    Need help

    This sort of formatting is always better in the presentation layer than it is in the database layer. What you're after is the modulus of the "workexperience" to get the months and the division to get the years. With no consumable sample data and with the fact that this looks decidedly like a homework assignment, I'll get you started by giving you the "months" bit. See if you can do the years bit on your own. . . remember that in SQL, if you divide an integer by an integer you can only get an integer back.

    SELECT [CVID], [WorkExperience],

    ISNULL(CAST(NULLIF([WorkExperience]%12,0) AS VARCHAR(2))+SPACE(1)+'months','')


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  • Hello sir,

    How about year? I cant imagine that

  • Qira (9/10/2014)

    Hello sir,

    How about year? I cant imagine that


    Cadavre (9/10/2014)

    This sort of formatting is always better in the presentation layer than it is in the database layer. What you're after is the modulus of the "workexperience" to get the months and the division to get the years. With no consumable sample data and with the fact that this looks decidedly like a homework assignment, I'll get you started by giving you the "months" bit. See if you can do the years bit on your own. . . remember that in SQL, if you divide an integer by an integer you can only get an integer back

    Did you read the text that accompanied my answer? Emphasis has been added to make it clearer.

    What have you tried?

    Forever trying to learn
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  • Hihi. This is my code

    SELECT CVID, WorkExperience, Convert(varchar(10),WorkExperience / 12) +SPACE(1)+'years' + ' ' +

    ISNULL(CAST(NULLIF([WorkExperience]%12,0) AS VARCHAR(2))+SPACE(1)+'months','') as WorkExperience_2



    select CVID, sum(WorkExperience) as WorkExperience


    (select CVID, WorkExperience = case when [EndDate] is null

    then DATEDIFF(month,[StartDate],getdate()) else DATEDIFF(month,[StartDate],[EndDate]) end

    from [Employment])V1

    group by CVID


    Now need to replace 0 years with nothing

  • More for fun, here is a quick alternative solution


    USE tempdb;



    ;WITH CV_WORKEXP(CVID,StartDate,EndDate) AS


    SELECT CVID,StartDate,EndDate FROM


    (28387 ,'2008-01-01','2012-09-01' )

    ,(68181 ,'2012-09-01','2014-06-01' )

    ,(96568 ,'2014-06-01','2014-09-01' )

    ,(113548,'2014-09-01',NULL)) AS X(CVID,StartDate,EndDate)






    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),NULLIF(DATEDIFF(MONTH,WX.StartDate,ISNULL(WX.EndDate,@NOW)) / 12, 0 ),1) + ' years ' ,'') +

    ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),NULLIF(DATEDIFF(MONTH,WX.StartDate,ISNULL(WX.EndDate,@NOW)) % 12, 0 ),1) + ' months','') +

    ISNULL(SPACE(NULLIF(SIGN(DATEDIFF(MONTH,WX.StartDate,ISNULL(WX.EndDate,@NOW))),1)) + 'less than a month','') AS WorkExperience








    CVID WorkExperience

    ----------- ------------------

    28387 4 years 8 months

    68181 1 years 9 months

    96568 3 months

    113548 less than a month

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