Need help with calculation desperately!

  • Adam Haines (3/27/2008)

    Matt, can you use over with the sum of a calculation? I have never tried, but I believe the over is used for deterministic columns. Like I said before I haven't tried.

    To the OP the group by, cross apply, or derived table method will definitely work.

    I'm not sure if I fully understand the question. If you're looking at:

    sum(value) OVER (partition by GroupID)

    GroupID must be a column (or a column list) pulled out of the FROM tables, and cannot be a direct calculation. Of course - that just means you could "hide" any calculations in a sub-query.

    However, I am not aware of any limitations on what would end up in the "value" spot. The VALUE could be any bizarre calculation you can think of, deterministic or not. Non-deterministic might be ugly, since your query would return a different result each time, but it would run.

    does that answer it?

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • does that answer it?

    Not quite.

    Basically the question is can you put this into over().

    sum(werksmassFM / (Sum_Lmenge.SumCol/ls.lmenge)* p_transpreis)

  • This runs:

    drop table #mytemptest


    create table #mytemptest (id int identity(1,1) primary key clustered,

    groupid int,

    amt1 numeric(18,4),

    amt2 numeric(18,4),

    amt3 numeric(18,4),

    amt4 numeric(18,4))


    insert #mytemptest (groupid, amt1, amt2,amt3,amt4)

    select top 10000 rand(checksum(newid()))*40,





    from sys.all_columns sc1, sys.all_columns sc2


    select *,

    sum(amt1/(amt2/amt3)*amt4) OVER() as tot,

    sum(amt1/(amt2/amt3)*amt4) OVER(PARTITION by GROUPID) as Grouptot,

    (sum(amt1/(amt2/amt3)*amt4) OVER(PARTITION by GROUPID))

    /(sum(amt1/(amt2/amt3)*amt4) OVER()) as GroupPerctot

    from #mytemptest

    The only new requirement I can see seem to be on what goes in the OVER() clause. If you could put it into a SUM() before, looks to me that you can put it into a SUM() OVER().

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks for doing the legwork :). I have been learning a lot of new stuff, in the past few days 😀

  • Adam Haines (3/27/2008)

    Thanks for doing the legwork :). I have been learning a lot of new stuff, in the past few days 😀

    Notice I just said "it runs", and not "it runs...well". Not so sure it's all that great on performance. May be time to do some "compare and contrast" testing: this smells a bit of too much going on in one single query. Will need to check over the exec plan "in my spare time"...

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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