need help with dB schema

  • OK, I'm not sure where to put this question but here goes... I need to track all our employees time off:vacation, sick days, excused absences etc. I can pull the data out of our time keeping system and store it in a separate dB for eventual web posting for our intranet site. I plan to be able to go back one year from the current date. I thought of storing each recorded day as something like a julian data type character string(i.e. 1358V = Christmas Eve year 2001 was a vacation day) My plan is to color code a monthly calendar I found on-line and plan to modify ( I can feed the function which creates each month with a parameter containing the list of days to color code in the calendar. I'm having a hard time thinking of a single dB table schema to store the list of past time-off days for each employee in. Any suggestions?

  • I try to stay away from single table schemas for any solution. However, if I understand your question, I would simply have a table containing columns that could contain all the possible relevant information. In addition I would have a column for begin and another column for the end date. If you want to use julian dates in these columns that is ok, just relate this table with a time table. You would then have just one entry for each sick leave or holiday vacation instead of one entry per day or per hour etc. . . Your stored procedure could figure out how much time the actual sick leave took where it might cover weekends and holidays based on the relationship to your timetable.

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