need help with db that keeps history

  • sushila,

    "1) Your objectID is not useful at should use docID, AddressID etc. since this is the only ID that uniquely identifies your rows."

    What I was thinking of doing is storing tblDocument.ID, tblAddress.ID, tblContact.ID, tblStore.ID etc in the tblStatus.ObjectID. So I think you and I are in the same frame of mind here. I just named it ObjectID to be generic.

    "2) From what I can understand - there are 3 actions that can be performed - insert, update and delete..."

    those are the most common part. I am going to put all the other actions in this list also such as: "FROM FINANCE TO LEGAL" to keep track of when a document goes from finance to legal, "VERIFIED" for when a document is looked over and verified, "APPROVED" for when an application is approved, "NEW ARRIVAL" for when a new employee is hired, "FROM LEGAL TO FINANCE" etc. So there will be a lookup table with all these and the user clicks on the proper button to perform the corresponding action. what do you think of this idea?

    "a) when inserted, it is a brand new record so the status is ACTIVE (??) - in this case you don't do anything - just mark it as ACTIVE

    b) when modified it becomes MODIFY (now this can happen several times over a period of time - right ??) - each time, you repeat the contents of the entire row to preserve history.

    c) when deleted - you don't really do anything - just mark it as INACTIVE or DELETED ?!"

    when inserted, ex:


    ID   storeID   FirstName   LastName   Title

    10   99          john          doe           owner

    in tblStatus there will be an entry like:


    ID   ObjectID     UserID    ActionID     Date

    so if its modified by user 100 then:


    ID   storeID   FirstName   LastName   Title

    10   99          john          doe           owner

    11   99          jane          doe           owner

    in tblStatus there will be an entry like:


    ID   ObjectID     UserID    ActionID     Date

    x     11             100        MODIFY     7/2/05

    so when its delete by user 100 then:


    ID   storeID   FirstName   LastName   Title

    10   99          john          doe           owner

    11   99          jane          doe           owner

    12   99          jane          doe           owner

    in tblStatus there will be an entry like:


    ID   ObjectID     UserID    ActionID     Date

    x     11             100        MODIFY     7/2/05

    x     12             100        DELETE      7/5/05

    so when a user searches for contact history for a store (id = 99) then they will see:

    ID   storeID   FirstName   LastName   Title      ActionID    Date

    10   99          john          doe           owner  

    11   99          jane          doe           owner   MODIFY     7/2/05

    12   99          jane          doe           owner   DELETE      7/5/05

    I outer join tblContact.ID to tblStatus.ObjectID. Also ActionID will really have the ID of those actions. I put the action description of the actions here to be clear. Also the default view would be to show last to first.

    "4) You could have a lookup for status and table list as described in my first response - and this could be used to keep track of all the deleted records from each table - for when you delete something you don't have to repeat the contents of the entire row just to mark it as INACTIVE - thus you could have a deletedRecords table (or some such) that would have (eg: documents table) - docID, TableID, UserID, DeletedDate"

    I think i will need to re-copy the row contents for the delete as it will be treated as a modify but with a different action. also if I dont repeat the contents then and just update the modify to delete then i will loose the last time it was modified. The main thing i am trying to do is not have to have a status field(ACTIVE/INACTIVE) in every table and use the tblStatus for all action status's.

    "f this doesn't cover everything, could you please post:"

    i think this kind of covers everthing. I really appriciate all the suggestions and help you have given me. Your ideas + co-workers + very little from me + writing out all the responses has helped me flush out the design pretty good.

    i thank you for all the time you put in to help me.

  • "So there will be a lookup table with all these and the user clicks on the proper button to perform the corresponding action. what do you think of this idea?"...

    sound idea!

    "also if I dont repeat the contents then and just update the modify to delete then i will loose the last time it was modified."...

    Tarique - I think there was a disconnect here...I was suggesting you keep a separate "deleted table" that would have objectID, tableID, UserID, DeletedDate instead of repeating the contents of the row....


    NOT "modify the update to delete"...for that won't give you your history preservation...

    Let me know if you have any more questions - s

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thank you for all your help and ideas.

    "Tarique - I think there was a disconnect here...I was suggesting you keep a separate "deleted table" that would have objectID, tableID, UserID, DeletedDate instead of repeating the contents of the row...."

    I think thats a great idea! i will implement that. Thankx.

    I am going to write up the documents to show legal and finance. Hopefully you have helped me flush out everything.

    thanx again.

  • Anytime Tarique...I enjoyed the challenge of thinking it was fun!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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