Need help with PIVOT

  • Hi Folks,

    This maybe a very simple question, we have just upgraded to SQL server 2005, and we have a issue that the new PIVOT function might be able to help us with. Lets say you have a record set that looks like this:




    Is there a way that we can use the PIVOT function to simple switch this to:


    Basically we need to convert rows to columns in one clean swoop. this may seem trivial, but I have not figured out how to do this yet, and at the moment we use a cursor in a function to do this and its very slow indeed!

    Any help would be much appreciated!



  • You can not get in single query. but you can use bunch of statement

    copy following code in Query analyser


    SET @S1=''

    SELECT @S1 = @S1+', ' + [field1] FROM


  • PIVOT allows you to manipulate the data to give it in effectively another format.

    So assuming other columns of itemid and shape

    --A table something like this

    CREATE TABLE objects (itemid int, volume int, shape nvarchar(10), colour nvarchar(10))

    --and arbitrary values

    INSERT INTO dbo.objects SELECT 1, 10, 'square', 'red';

    INSERT INTO dbo.objects SELECT 2, 25, 'triangle','green';

    INSERT INTO dbo.objects SELECT 3, 15, 'square', 'blue';

    --You can run this

    SELECT shape, [red], [green], [blue] FROM

    (SELECT itemid, shape, colour FROM dbo.objects)


    PIVOT (COUNT (itemid) FOR colour IN ([red], [green], [blue])) tblPivot

    --To get colour based columns, and shape based rows

  • Surely if you just want a list of values SELECT DISTINCT would be better.

  • Hi,


    How would SELECT DISTINCT work?



  • Continuing from my example table:

    SELECT DISTINCT colour FROM dbo.objects

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